Use our Enrollment Steps guide to keep track of your progress (English version | Spanish version). By filling out this guide, you will remember where you left off in the enrollment steps.
2. Complete Enrollment Tasks
This step is for new students. Transfer students should continue to Step 3.
- Log in to your Student Center to work on additional important steps before you can register. You will receive a Duo push notification to access your Student Center.
- Determine Placement. MCC offers multiple ways to identify the proper courses for your success.
- General Placement Information
- EdReady
If you don't have the needed high school GPA, GED, ACT/SAT, or ACCUPLACER scores for placement, you can use EdReady to take free assessments that are used for placement in English, reading, and math courses. - Placement Coach
The Placement Coach uses high school GPA, ACT, SAT, GED, ACCUPLACER, and EdReady scores to provide you with course recommendations.
- Determine Placement. MCC offers multiple ways to identify the proper courses for your success.
- Participate in Orientation to learn about how to be a successful student at MCC and to get help setting up your first semester schedule.
- Connect with your Academic Advisor to set up your personalized education plan and confirm your schedule.
3. Register for Classes
- If you don’t know the classes you need to take, try:
- Check the MCC Registration Guides and Videos
- Participate in Orientation
- Connect with your academic advisor
- Then, follow the steps to register for classes.
- If you know the classes you need to take, go ahead and get started:
- Utilize your specific program Pathway Map to find the correct course for your program. Check out these helpful resources if you need help deciding which classes to take.
- Use the MCC Class Schedule to search for your classes and select “Show Only Open Classes”
- Keep track of your classes’ section numbers for adding classes.
- In your Student Center, click on the Manage Classes tile. Watch for your Duo push notification to log in.
- Use Class Search and Enroll to get registered.
4. Pay Tuition & Fees
- After you have registered for classes, you need to make payment arrangements.
- Check the due date of your tuition and fees.
- Explore ways to make payment arrangements.
- Apply for Federal Financial Aid
- Sign up for a Tuition Payment Plan
- Make a Payment
The tuition rate is determined by the submission of your ID and other supporting documents. For more information, go to Residency Information.
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