The following academic tips should assist you in working with students who are blind or visually impaired in post-secondary education.
Academic Tips...
Offer preferential seating, i.e.: up front or closer to professor
Understand the level of visual impairment
Maintain regular contact with DRS office and student for accessibility needs
Verbalize any written or visual information
Provide visual and auditory cues
Review general room layout (exits, desks, lecture location, etc.)
Use directives, i.e.: left, right, step up, step down
Use enhanced verbal descriptions
Give comparisons and analogies with familiar objects that do not depend on prior visual knowledge
Ignore assist dogs, they are not to be touched or talked to
Common Assistive Technology:
- Screen Magnification software: MAGic
- Alternative text: Braille, e-text, large print
- Screen Reading software: Jaws
- Dual monitor set up for computer classes