Welcome to Testing Services

Contact Testing Services

Southern & Dobson Campus

Building: 38
P: 480-461-7336

Red Mountain Campus

Building: RDM-M
P: 480-654-7811


Fall & Spring Semesters:
Mon-Thu: 8 am – 5 pm
Fri: 10 am – 5 pm
Closed Sat and Sun

Summer Semester:
Mon-Thu: 8 am – 6 pm
Closed Fri, Sat and Sun

Last exam administered one hour before close daily

For course placement tests, students can use multiple measures of high school GPA (within 10 years), GED, ACT/SAT by following this link to upload their transcripts. Students can also choose to take placement tests from home with EdReady for English, Reading & Math. Maricopa EdReady website is https://maricopa.edready.org/home and follow this link for the instructional guide. CELSA is a walk-in exam. Other tests (Certification exams, CLEP, GED and HESI A2) are by appointment only.

Our team is very responsive to email and voicemail requests during our business hours. If you are unable to reach us, please email or leave us a brief voice message with your name, type of service you need, your Maricopa student ID number (if you are a student) and your contact information. We respond to most inquiries within 24 hours, subject to our normal business hours.

We can be reached at:
testing@mesacc.edu or 480-461-7336

HESI Bootcamp is now available.

New to College?

If you are new to college with no college credits and have at least a 2.6 High School GPA or higher, you need to self-report your GPA here. If you have a High School GPA of 3.0 or higher, you will be automatically placed into higher-level college courses. If you would like to place higher than your GPA allows, spend some time on the EdReady placement modules. More modules = higher scores!

Official High School transcripts are required for Federal Financial Aid. If you have transfer credits from other colleges; no matter how old, make an appointment with an academic advisor first. You might have credits completed for English, Math, and/or Reading, or you might have a pre-requisite course met; but need "permission" to enroll. Certain scores on the ACT/SAT or GED can also be used for direct placement. Once you know your High School GPA, GED, SAT, ACT, EdReady, or ACCUPLACER scores, enter them into "Placement Coach." This is the quickest and easiest way to see what courses you can sign up for.

Make plans to meet with an Academic Advisor. Ask your Advisor to complete a Pathway Map/Program of Study to see your journey ahead.

The CLEP, GED, and Pearson Vue delivered exams will most likely start-up in February. At this time, we do not have the schedule posted, so you will need to continue checking. For CLEP, you would contact us directly. For GED, create your profile at GED.com. Register for Pearson Vue exams through specific sponsors' websites.

You can always contact us via email or by phone. In the very near future, we will also offer chat as an option.

The Testing Center wishes you the very best and knows you will be successful on whatever road you choose; no matter how many curves. Make it yours!!

NEW - Updated Course Placement Information

MCC has updated its policies for course placement. Students may be eligible to place directly into college level English, Reading and Math courses without taking the ACCUPLACER exams. Click on the link below to view qualifications on submitting high school GPA, ACT, SAT, and/or GED scores.

Submit your High School GPA or ACT, SAT, GED

For the 'Prior Education' requirement for financial aid consideration an official transcript from the student's high school must be sent directly to MCC's Admissions Office. Unofficial transcripts may be used for course placement. For more information contact enrollment services, the testing center or the new student welcome room.

Testing Services Center

Requirements for Testing at a Maricopa Testing Center

  • Must have a Maricopa Enterprise Identification (MEID) and Student ID# (8-digits, starts with a 3)
  • Current, valid photo identification, including valid Student ID’s is required. Some specialized test programs have very specific identification requirements.
  • If you have attended high school within the last ten years, please bring a copy of your unofficial high school transcript that includes a cumulative, unweighted GPA.
  • Please Note: Official high school and/or college transcripts will need to be sent directly to the Admissions Office from your high school or college (school-to-school). Official transcripts are used for Financial Aid Eligibility and the transfer of college credit from other accredited institutions.
  • New-to-college students can find step-by-step instructions on how to Become a Student at: https://www.maricopa.edu/become-a-student.

You can take your placement test at any of our sister colleges. Some Maricopa colleges require appointments, while others offer walk-in testing. Check individual college web sites for specific times.