Dr. Nora Amavisca Reyes

Nora Amavisca Reyes
Distinguished MCC Staff
Award Year: 
Current Job Title: 
Vice Provost MCC Red Mountain Campus
Current Job Industry: 

The Vice Provost of the MCC Red Mountain Campus, Nora is known for her strategic planning as well as tireless efforts mentoring staff, leading initiatives at the Red Mountain Campus and helping students succeed through innovative programs and inspiring one-on-one engagement.

Graduating valedictorian from Antelope Union High School in Wellton, Arizona, she chose Arizona State University to earn her Bachelor and Master degrees in Education, and Doctorate in Education in Curriculum & Instruction, Bilingual.

Nora began at the grass roots educational level as a second-grade bilingual teacher. She joined MCC as a residential education faculty member in August 1997. Nora served as Education Instructional Council and Articulation Task Force chair, Guanajuato and Xalapa Study Abroad director; and project administrator for a two million dollar United States Department of Education grant supporting professional development for teachers of language learners.

Throughout her career she has worked to enrich the college’s relationships among various organizations and governmental entities. Nora is a valued speaker, addressing bilingual education throughout the country.

She has been chair of the MCC Education Studies Department and MCC Department Chairs Association. As acting dean of Innovative Learning and Academic Support, she demonstrated her renowned leadership style of working collaboratively with leadership, faculty, and staff to advance the college’s academic mission, promote educational excellence, and improve learning outcomes.

Numerous awards have recognized Nora’s dedication and expertise including the Ronald McDonald House Charities Excellence in Education and the League of Latino American Citizens Outstanding Latino Educator.

For a link to the full video of the ceremony, please visit MCC Hall of Fame 2018.