2021 Annual Juried Student Art Show

Free Admission
About this event
MCC Art Gallery Presents the 2021 Annual Student Art Show - Virtually!
The Annual Juried Student Art Show features the best work from Mesa Community College's Art students from the academic year. This year, our three-person, all-female jury team composed of artists Merryn Alaka, Magda Gluszek, and Antoinette Cauley analyzed skills, techniques, and creativity in students' works made from a variety of artistic mediums. Mesa Community College art students have shown exceptional resilience and persistence, completing a full year of classes in an online environment. Although we miss presenting this show in-person and filling our gallery walls with color and ideas, we're grateful for the opportunity to continue to represent our students' hard work through this exhibition website.
We hope you will help us celebrate and support our students by sharing your favorite works on social media using the #mesaccart and #mccartgallery.
To view the 2021 Annual Student Art Show please visit: https://www.mesacc.edu/arts/gallery/sas-2021/