More Than Bells Without Clappers: Students Finding Voice through Civic Engagement with Big Questions

With the national conversation about college emphasizing timely degree completion and readiness for employment, how can community college educators prepare our students to tackle the big questions they currently experience and will further confront in the complex, changing environment of our interconnected global future?

In a project funded by the Teagle Foundation, housed at the Community College National Center for Community Engagement (CCNCCE), and led by Kapi'olani Community College, faculty at six community college campuses—Kingsborough Community College and Queensborough Community College (New York), Raritan Valley Community College (New Jersey), Delgado Community College (Louisiana), Mesa Community College (Arizona), and Kapi'olani Community College (Hawai'i)—are actively engaged with questions like these.

More than Bells without Clappers_ Students Finding Voice through Civic Engagement with Big Questions _ Association of American Colleges & Universities.pdf

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Publication Date: 
Friday, August 28, 2015