MCC Dental Hygiene Program Seeks Patients

Mesa Community College's dental hygiene program is looking for patients who have not received dental hygiene care in the past three years or longer. Requirements of the students’ clinical education call for challenging cases. The program is seeking people who have been diagnosed with periodontal disease and have never been treated as well as people suffering other conditions such as puffy and bleeding gums.


The students will conduct complimentary oral-health screenings from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday Sept. 21 at the Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health, 5855 E. Still Circle, Mesa. To register: 480-248-8195.


Students will screen patients to determine the oral-health conditions of each individual. Participants must agree to a full set of x-rays. They may receive a copy of their x-rays for $20. Although the screening is complementary, patients selected for the program will be charged for the customized oral health care services provided.


MCC's dental hygiene clinic offers a full range of services utilizing the latest technology at fees lower than most private practices. Students work under the supervision of licensed dental hygienists and supervising dentists.

About Mesa Community College

Mesa Community College provides outstanding transfer and career and technical programs, workforce development, and life-long learning opportunities to residents of the East Valley area of Phoenix, Arizona. MCC excels in teaching, learning and empowering its more than 40,000 students who attend annually to succeed in a local and global community. Mesa Community College is one of ten colleges that comprise the Maricopa County Community College District. Please direct media inquiries to Sally Mesarosh at or the Office of Institutional Advancement at 480-461-7445. IA website: