Associate in Applied Science in Web Design/Development

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Course Sequence

Field of Interest

Field of Interest: Computer and Information Technology

The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Web Design/Development prepares students to design, create, and administer interactive and professional web sites. Courses focus on "hands-on" experience with web publishing, web graphics preparation, scripting, content management systems and e-commerce solutions. The program provides students a pathway to either develop advanced skills in Web Design or Web Development. Certificates of Completion (CCLs) in Foundational Web Technologies, Web Design and Web Development are also available. Some of these programs are available at select colleges. Please check with your local college for program availability


Details icon Important information you’ll need when applying for admission:

Field of Interest
Computer and Information Technology
Associate in Applied Science (AAS)
Academic Plan
Web Design/Development (DEG)
Academic Plan Code
Total Credits Required
Catalog Year
Effective Term
Fall 2023

Students must earn a grade of C or better in all courses within the program.

Courses within any of the following prefixes must be taken within five (5) years prior to completion of the program to be applied toward this award: AIM, BPC, CIS, CLD, CNT, CSC, ITS, and MST.

What You’ll Learn

This pathway map will help you gain the expertise needed to:

  1. Design websites using knowledge of computer information systems, including security, computer concepts, web delivery system architecture, and file management.
  2. Research, plan, design, develop, test, publish, and maintain websites.
  3. Create complex websites using current standards in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and Javascript.
  4. Research and utilize best practices in user interface, user experience, accessibility and search engine optimization to build complex websites.
  5. Design and implement e-commerce solutions.
  6. Construct a website using a content management system.
  7. Apply project management skills to prioritize projects and meet deadlines.
  8. Adhere to industry accepted professional, legal, and ethical practices.
  9. Communicate professionally in formal and informal situations to diverse audiences.
  10. Collaborate with others to address web design challenges.

Web Design Emphasis Learning Outcomes

  1. Create digital media content using principles of design.
  2. Select design elements and composition appropriate to the project
  3. Manipulate digital media content.

Web Development Emphasis Learning Outcomes

  1. Design websites using knowledge of programming.
  2. Develop and deploy secure database solutions that use web-based protocols.
  3. Implement security solutions to diminish or counter threats against web delivery systems.
  4. Use server-side scripting languages to create secure, dynamic web pages

Career Opportunities

Successful completion of this degree may lead to employment in a variety of different occupations and industries. Below are examples of related occupations with associated Maricopa County-based annual median wages* for this degree. Education requirements vary for the occupations listed below, so you may need further education or degrees in order to qualify for some of these jobs and earn the related salaries. Please visit with an academic advisor and/or program director for additional information. You can click on any occupation to view the detail regarding education level, wages, and employment information.

* Career and wage information provided by Lightcast using data, reports, and forecasts which are generated using government data sources and Lightcast’s proprietary analytical processes. Lightcast’s data covers multiple classes of workers including QCEW, non-QCEW, and those who are self-employed. Disclaimer

Course Sequence by Term

The following is the suggested course sequence by term. Please keep in mind:

  • Students should meet with an academic advisor to develop an individual education plan that meets their academic and career goals. Use the Degree Progress Report Tool in your Student Center to manage your plan.
  • The course sequence is laid out by suggested term and may be affected when students enter the program at different times of the year.
  • Initial course placement is determined by current district placement measures and/or completion of 100-200 level course and/or program requirements.
  • Degree and transfer seeking students may be required to successfully complete a MCCCD First Year Experience Course (FYE) within the first two semesters at a MCCCD College. Courses include FYE101 and FYE103. Course offerings will vary by college. See an academic, program, or faculty advisor for details.
  • Consult with your faculty mentor or academic advisor to determine educational requirements, including possible university transfer options, for your chosen career field.

Pathway Map Options

There are multiple options available for this pathway map. These options vary depending on the locations, partners, and available tracks of the award.

These pathway map options may share some common coursework. To explore what additional coursework may be required, select your desired option from the list below. Once selected, the list of courses and any associated details will be automatically updated in the course sequence below. The differences between individual pathway map options may only be a few courses.

Full-time Sequence

Full-time status is 12 credits to 18 credits per semester.

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Term 1

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 1
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems Critical course CS 3
CIS133DA Internet/Web Development Level I Critical course Gateway course 3
CIS120DF Introduction to Adobe Photoshop 3
CIS136 Content Management Systems: WordPress 3
ENG101 or
First-Year Composition or First-Year Composition for ESL Critical course FYC or FYC 3
FYE101 or
Introduction to College, Career and Personal Success or Exploration of College, Career and Personal Success 1–3

Term 2

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 2
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
CIS166AA Introduction to Javascript 3
CIS233DA Internet/Web Development Level II 3
CIS235 E-Commerce 3
Mathematics Mathematics Area Critical course Any approved general education course in the Mathematics Area.
MAT14+ or MAT15+ or higher math course with the Mathematical Applications [MA] general education designation recommended for students intending to transfer to a four-year institution.
MAT187 Precalculus is recommended for students intending to transfer to ASU (Tempe campus) to earn a BS in Graphic Information Technology.
ENG102 or
First-Year Composition or First-Year Composition for ESL FYC or FYC 3
CRE101 College Critical Reading and Critical Thinking OR Equivalent as indicated by assessment L 0–3

Term 3

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 3
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
Specialization Specialization Course 3
Specialization Specialization Course 3
Specialization Specialization Course 3
Specialization Specialization Course 3
COM100 or
COM110 or
COM225 or
Introduction to Human Communication or Interpersonal Communication or Public Speaking or Small Group Communication SB or SB or L or SB 3
SB Social & Behavioral Sciences PSY101 Introduction to Psychology is recommended for students intending to transfer to ASU (Polytechnic campus) to earn a BS in Technical Communication (User Experience) or to ASU (Tempe campus) to earn a BS in Graphic Information Technology. SB 3

Term 4

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 4
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
Specialization Specialization Course 3
Specialization Specialization Course 1–3
Specialization Specialization Course 0–3
SG or
Natural Sciences General or Natural Sciences Quantitative SG or SQ 4
HU Humanities, Fine Arts & Design HU 3

Part-time Sequence

Part-time status is 11 credit hours or less.

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Term 1

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 1
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems Critical course CS 3
CIS133DA Internet/Web Development Level I Critical course Gateway course 3
FYE101 or
Introduction to College, Career and Personal Success or Exploration of College, Career and Personal Success 1–3

Term 2

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 2
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
CIS120DF Introduction to Adobe Photoshop 3
CIS233DA Internet/Web Development Level II 3

Term 3

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 3
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
CIS136 Content Management Systems: WordPress 3
ENG101 or
First-Year Composition or First-Year Composition for ESL Critical course FYC or FYC 3

Term 4

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 4
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
Mathematics Mathematics Area Critical course Any approved general education course in the Mathematics Area.
MAT14+ or MAT15+ or higher math course with the Mathematical Applications [MA] general education designation recommended for students intending to transfer to a four-year institution.
MAT187 Precalculus is recommended for students intending to transfer to ASU (Tempe campus) to earn a BS in Graphic Information Technology.
ENG102 or
First-Year Composition or First-Year Composition for ESL FYC or FYC 3

Term 5

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 5
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
CIS166AA Introduction to Javascript 3
CIS235 E-Commerce 3
CRE101 College Critical Reading and Critical Thinking OR Equivalent as indicated by assessment L 0–3

Term 6

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 6
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
Specialization Specialization Course 3
COM100 or
COM110 or
COM225 or
Introduction to Human Communication or Interpersonal Communication or Public Speaking or Small Group Communication SB or SB or L or SB 3

Term 7

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 7
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
Specialization Specialization Course 3
Specialization Specialization Course 3

Term 8

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 8
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
Specialization Specialization Course 3
SB Social & Behavioral Sciences PSY101 Introduction to Psychology is recommended for students intending to transfer to ASU (Polytechnic campus) to earn a BS in Technical Communication (User Experience) or to ASU (Tempe campus) to earn a BS in Graphic Information Technology. SB 3

Term 9

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 9
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
Specialization Specialization Course 3
SG or
Natural Sciences General or Natural Sciences Quantitative SG or SQ 4

Term 10

A sequence of suggested courses that should be taken during Term 10
Course Number Course Name Requisites Notes Area Credits
Specialization Specialization Course 1–3
HU Humanities, Fine Arts & Design HU 3

Pathway Map Option Details

No pathway map option has been selected. Please select from the pathway map options listed above.

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Program Information

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General Help

Ask general questions over the phone at 480-461-7400 or via online chat.

Course Area Key

Gateway Course = Generally the first major-specific course in a pathway.

Critical Course = A course that is highly predictive of future success in a pathway.


Students must earn a grade of C or better for all courses required within the program.

Course Sequence total credits may differ from the program information located on the MCCCD curriculum website due to program and system design.

At Maricopa, we strive to provide you with accurate and current information about our degree and certificate offerings. Due to the dynamic nature of the curriculum process, course and program information is subject to change. As a result, the course list associated with this degree or certificate on this site does not represent a contract, nor does it guarantee course availability. If you are interested in pursuing this degree or certificate, meet with an academic advisor to discuss the requirements at your college for the appropriate catalog year.

View MCCCD’s official curriculum documentation for additional details regarding the requirements of this award (

Previous Catalog Years

The pathway map presented above is for the current catalog year and is the intended pathway map for new students. All previous catalog years for this pathway map are available at the link below.

Previous catalog years for Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Web Design/Development