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We found 1 class for your selected search criteria

We could not find classes for the course(s) that you searched for (EDU298AC). However, there are matching cross referenced course(s) that are available. These alternative course(s) are listed below.

ECH298AC Special Projects 3 Credits

Organized and tailored around the interests and needs of the individual student. Structured to provide an atmosphere of individualized research and study paralleled by professional expertise and guidance. Professional-type facilities and equipment available for student use. Allows the best aspects of independent study and individualized learning to be combined to maximize student development.

Prerequisites: Permission of Program Director or Instructor.

Class Location Delivery Dates Days Times Instructor Availability
Dobson Campus


Field Based
01/13/2025 – 05/09/2025


Jamie Theresa Lopez, Ph.D.


5 of 12
Seats Available

Notes: Students may contact department at 480-461-7904 or for permission to register.

iBelong Student Success Initiative. Class 32542: is part of “iBelong” utilizing an iPad to complete coursework. Please visit our iBelong website for more information on student iPad checkouts.