Welcome to Career Ready
Career Ready provides a network of alumni and friends from a variety of professions who serve as volunteer advisors. Volunteers provide you an opportunity to ask questions about career or educational paths, while opening doors for professional growth.
What Path Fits You?
Are you career ready?
Alumni & Friends
Can you help a student become career ready?
Mock Job Interviews Prepare Students for Workforce
Your feedback could help a student land a job in today’s tough economy – volunteer today!
The MCC Alumni Association, in collaboration with Career Services, is seeking alumni volunteers to conduct mock job interviews for students later this fall. Volunteer times are available October 29, October 30, and November 5, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Complete a volunteer form at https://www.volgistics.com/ex/portal.dll/ap?AP=1533971041&OR=1. Volunteers must also complete the Volunteer Service Statement Agreement.docx.
Read more about this opportunity in the Fall 2013 Alumni and Friends newsletter.