Strategic Enrollment Management Plan: 2024-2027

This summary offers a comprehensive overview of the College Strategic Enrollment Management (CSEM) Plan, derived from the Systemwide Strategic Enrollment Management (SSEM) Plan. It details the strategies, key goals, activities, milestones, and key performance indicators (KPI) to steer Mesa Community College (MCC) in its enrollment, retention, graduation, and transfer initiatives from 2024 to 2027. The summary also highlights the critical role of each stakeholder in ensuring the plan's successful implementation and execution.

The CSEM cover, with the MCC logo, Thundebird and text STr
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Over the last three years (2020-2021, 2021-2022, and 2022-2023), MCC enrolled 11,207 new students, making the second-highest number of new enrollments in the Maricopa system. First-year student enrollments saw a 4.0% increase, while transfer student enrollment saw the smallest enrollment growth of 7.8%, new adult student enrollments experienced a significant rise of 18.5% (RNL Enrollment Projection Model Analysis (PDF), September, 2023).

The CSEM Plan was developed over the last month in collaboration with with the CSEM and the SSEM Team which encompasses a wide variety of stakeholders including faculty, classified professionals; student input will be solicited in the future. During this time MCC faced leadership transitions. Therefore, as MCC leadership stabilizes, there will be additional iterations of this CSEM Plan.

The goals that have been identified are closely aligned with MCC’s Mission, Vision and Guided Pathways framework.

  • Mission - We create an inclusive and vibrant learning community where everyone is supported to achieve success.
  • Vision - Inspire, ensure access, and empower action.
  • Guided Pathways Framework - The four pillars that will guide the CSEM Plan include 1) Clarifying the pathways to the students’ end goals, 2) Helping students choose and enter pathways, 3) Helping students stay on the path, 4) Ensuring students are learning.

Recognizing that retention starts day one, MCC will be intentional with its recruitment, onboarding, and engagement of students to transform their experience when choosing their pathways. Furthermore, having proper technology to support students and remove barriers in the gatekeeper courses will be essential. Lastly, the implementation of Ad Astra will create predictable scheduling for students with modalities and timing that are convenient for them.


  • Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) - A comprehensive process designed to help an institution achieve and maintain optimum recruitment, retention, and graduation rates of students, where “optimum” is defined within the academic context of the institution (Dolence, 1996).
  • SEM Operational Definition - SEM is a holistic concept and process which enables the fulfillment of MCC’s mission and its students’ educational goals with the intent to increase retention, persistence, program completion, transfer, and gainful employment, and to close equity gaps in access and achievement (MCCD SEM).
  • First Year/ First Time In College - A student who has no prior postsecondary experience attending any institution for the first time at the undergraduate level. This means that the student is first-time in terms of postsecondary education, or the student is not known to have attended another postsecondary institution (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, (IPEDS) 2023-2024 Data Collection System).
  • Adult Students - They are defined as students age 25 and older. Some have no college credit; others have some college credit but stopped out before completing their degree (National Adult Student Satisfaction and Priorities Report (PDF)).
  • Retention - Continued enrollment or degree completion at any higher institution including one different from the institution of initial enrollment in the fall semesters of a student’s first and second year (NSCRC, 2015).
  • Graduation - Defined for community colleges as the number of students who complete an associate degree or certificate within three years (Burton, 2017).
  • Transfer - The number students who complete a certificate or an associate degree at the community college, and then transfer to a four year university (Shapiro, Dundar, & Huie, 2017).

MCC - SEM Planning Team

A heartfelt thank you to MCCs SEM Planning Team for their invaluable and thoughtful contributions!


  • Mary Boyce, Co-Chair - Dean of Health Sciences at Red Mountain
  • Indra Paola Peláez, Co-Chair - Dean of Student Affairs
  • Carol Achs - Dean of Instruction Math, Sciences, Physical Education
  • Laura Ballard - Director of Teaching and Learning (eLearning)
  • Cesar Becerra - Student Services Manager: Career Engagement and Industry Connection
  • Melissa Carpenter - Foundations for Student Success Director
  • Leanna Hall - Dean of Instruction Art/Humanities/Social Sciences
  • Jeff Rhoads - Student Services Director (Admissions and Records)
  • Pat Peppin - Student Services Director (Financial Aid)
  • Marcy Snitzer - Associate Vice President (Institutional Advancement)
  • Abby Troyer - Media Production Design Analyst (Institutional Advancement)
  • Tricia White - Director of Research and Planning
  • Celina Salinas - Director of Strategic Enrollment
  • Julie Voller - Dean of Student Development
  • Cameren Ward - Student Services Manager (Testing Services)

Executive Sponsors

  • Dr. Richard Daniel, MCC College President
  • Dr. Jeannetta Hollins, Vice President of Student Affairs
  • Dr. Joanne Russell, Vice President of Academic Affairs
  • Mr. Robert Budach, Vice President of Administrative Services

Strategy 1: Streamline the Experience

Student Ready Solutions for All

College Goal 1.1: MCCCD attracts, recruits, engages, and enrolls more students.

KPI 1.1: Increase annual new-to-Maricopa student enrollment (headcount) from 2,920 to 3,066 (5%) by June 30, 2027.

Activity 1.1.A: Assess enrollment trends and determine enrollment targets for first-generation and underserved student populations.

  • Milestone 1.1.A.1: Minimum 3% annual increased full-time enrollment among Mesa Public Schools first generation and underserved students attending Red Mountain Campus.
  • Milestone 1.1.A.2: Each academic year, documented 3% decrease of students with residency escalation matters.
  • Milestone 1.1.A.3: Increased same day registration of 1% among new students during Rock Enrollment compared to the previous year.
  • Milestone 1.1.A.4: By June 30, 2027, increase enrollment by 5% among early college students (Achieving a College Education (ACE) & Hoop of Learning (HOL).

Activity 1.1.B: Identify and achieve enrollment targets for Returning Adult Learners and Students of Color.

  • Milestone 1.1.B.1: By June 30, 2027, increased admissions applications of 2% among men of color (including Asians, Latinos, African Americans, and Native Americans), from Chandler, Gilbert and Tempe high school districts.
  • Milestone 1.1.B.2: At least 5% increase in enrollment by June 30, 2027 among men of color (including Asians, Latinos, African Americans, and Native Americans), from Chandler, Gilbert and Tempe high school districts.
  • Milestone 1.1.B.3: By 2027, 3% increase of degree-seeking Adult Learner enrollment for students age 25+ who identify as Hispanic or Latino in the Mesa College Promise Program.
  • Milestone 1.1.B.4: Student Survey responses show increased onboarding satisfaction, particularly among men of color (including Asians, Latinos, African Americans, and Native Americans).

Data Source: Student Pipeline Conversion Rates (login required)
Data Source: Withdrawal Dashboard (login required)

Strategy 2: Optimize Student Success

Remove Barriers

College Goal 2.1: MCCCD retains and supports students to reach their academic, personal, and/ or professional goals.

KPI 2.1: Increase annual retention rates from 43% to 48% by June 30, 2027.

Activity 2.1.A: Develop low-cost retention strategies to increase continued full-time enrollment, particularly among marginalized student populations (i.e, a priority registration campaign, connect one-on-one twice each semester using various modalities, engage new students who complete orientation to enroll in at least one course during their first semester).

  • Milestone 2.1.A.1: Increased Fall to Fall retention rate from 43% to 48% by June 30, 2027 among underserved students.
  • Milestone 2.1.A.2: Increased use of Dropout Detective by 2% among faculty/staff appropriately identifying students experiencing academic difficulties.
  • Milestone 2.1.A.3: Increase semester-to-semester persistence rate at least by 3%.
  • Milestone 2.1.A.4: The percentage rate of first attempt successful completion with a grade of C or better in college-level English and math the first year among minority student groups new to MCC will increase from 35% to 41% by June 30, 2027.
  • Milestone 2.1.A.5: 80% of new-to-maricopa first generation students successfully complete FYE 101 or 103 within their first two semesters.
  • Milestone 2.1.A.6: By June 30, 2027, 15% of faculty teaching online will be trained on the MCC Quality Review or comparable rubric and apple the standards to their online courses.
  • Milestone 2.1.A.7: Improved online success rates for English 101 & math classes (141, 151) from 57% to 75% in English and from 49% to 75% in Math.
  • Milestone 2.1.A.8: 50% of students enrolling in online classes will complete the online class preparation module.
  • Milestone 2.1.A.9: Academic departments will identify low success courses (70% or below) and work to improve completion and minimize withdrawals.

Activity 2.1.B: Structure Student Affairs Division to support enrollment management.

  • Milestone 2.1.B.1: Identify position(s) and relevant direct reports portfolio to coordinate retention efforts across the college.
  • Milestone 2.1.B.2: Establish a College Strategic Enrollment Management (CSEM) Team with an identified purpose, membership, terms of service, and meeting schedule.
  • Milestone 2.1.B.3: Assigned and documented responsibilities and enrollment management strategies across the divisions to address all students populations, particularly those with historically high attrition rates.

Goal 2.2: Achieve equitable retention through Financial Aid opportunities.

KPI 2.1: Increase annual retention rates from 43% to 48% by June 30, 2027.

Activity 2.2.A: Offer various financial aid events on/off campus to increase awareness for new, returning, and prospective students and families.

  • Milestone 2.2.A.1: Annual 1% increase of completed financial aid applications by the Financial Aid Priority date.
  • Milestone 2.2.A.2: Documented Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) student population decrease by 2% each year (workshops, events, texting, and emailing campaigns).
  • Milestone 2.2.A.3: Increased student/parent attendance for workshop and informational events.
  • Milestone 2.2.A.4: Federal work-study applications and employment increased by 2%.

Data Source: Student Outcomes (login required)
Historical Context: Mesa Strategic Plan

Strategy 3: Committed to Completion

Mission Accomplished

College Goal 3.1: MCCCD graduates and transfers more students.

KPI 3.1: Increase annual graduation/transfer rates from 23% to 25% by June 30, 2027.

Activity 3.1.A: Collaborate with multiple stakeholders and enhance internal processes to increase the number of potential graduates and transfer students who are within one to two semesters of degree completion.

  • Milestone 3.1.A.1: Increased engagement of first year students with Career Services by 2% per year.
  • Milestone 3.1.A.2: At least 50% of first-generation students enrolled by the end of Priority Registration week before to their final semester.

Activity 3.1.B: Develop proactive graduation strategies for select CCL and/or Associate Degrees.

  • Milestone 3.1.B.1: Completed documented process for auto awarding CCL.
  • Milestone 3.1.B.2: Increase auto award CCLs and Associate Degrees by 1%.

Activity 3.1.C: Increase Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) awareness within the Mesa Community.

  • Milestone 3.1.C.1: Increase Emergency Medical Services and Beauty and Wellness PLA by 5%.

College Goal 3.2: By 2027, the number of administered CLEP exams will increase by 20%.

KPI 3.2: Increase the 3-year completion/transfer rate of MCC students from 21% to 24% by June 30, 2027.

Activity 3.2.A: Develop and expand CLEP awareness for new, returning, and continuing students.

  • Milestone 3.2.A.1: Promote CLEP testing awareness with Mesa Public Schools (MPS).
  • Milestone 3.2.A.2: Increase CLEP testing awareness with adult Mesa Promise scholars.
  • Milestone 3.2.A.3: Increase CLEP testing awareness with ESL and first generation students by 1%.

Data Source: Student Outcomes (login required)