New Student Advising

Welcome to Mesa Community College

We are excited to help you start your academic journey! At Mesa Community College, we understand that starting college is a big step and our advising team is here to guide you through your initial steps.

Our new student advising services are designed to help you:

  • Ensure you are on the correct academic track
  • Identify your first-semester course options
  • Understand available MCC resources for Registration and Financial Aid

Whether you are pursuing a degree, transferring to a university, or sharpening your skills for a career our advisors are here to ensure you have a strong start at MCC.

Let's get started on building your future! The below will guide you step-by-step through the New Student academic advising process from preparing to meet with an academic advisor to enrolling into your first semester courses!

STEP 1: Get Ready for Academic Advising

  1. Identify Your Program of Study
  2. Gain Admission to Mesa Community College
  3. Complete Course Placement

STEP 2: Schedule Your Advising Appointment

  1. Schedule a "New Student" Advising Appointment
    • Scheduled up to one (1) week in advance
      • New appointments open daily, every morning Monday-Friday, for the following week
    • In-Person, Online Video, and Telephone Formats Available

STEP 3: Prepare for Your Appointment

  1. Register For and Begin THOR New Student Orientation
  2. Print Your Unofficial Records
    • Bring the Following (if applicable) to Your Appointment:
      • High School Transcript
      • SAT, ACT, and/or GED Scores
      • Non-Maricopa College Transcripts
      • Placement Test Scores
  3. Verify Your Academic Program (major) is Correct
  4. Review the Pathway Map for Your Academic Program

STEP 4: Attend Your Advising Appointment

Meet with an academic advisor in-person, through online video, or over the telephone. Make sure to b​​​​​​ring the documents from 'Step 3: Prepare for Your Appointment' with you!

Please refer to the confirmation email that was sent to your email address when you scheduled your appointment for details including online video link.

STEP 5: Register for Classes and Prepare to Start

  1. Register for Classes
  2. Apply for Financial Aid
  3. Pay Tuition & Fees
  4. Finish THOR New Student Orientation
  5. Transfer All Non-Maricopa College Credits