Melissa Seil-Webb Magic Mixes are designed to help lower blood pressure, among other benefits
A life-long interest in health and food led Melissa Seil-Webb to MCC’s Sustainable Food Systems program. A little more than a year after earning her certificate in that program, she has started her own business. She sells Iss’s Magic Mixes, described as “oatmeal with a kick,” at farmer’s markets, on her website and at local health food stores.
“Our products have really taken off,” Seil-Webb said. “At our first farmer’s market we sold out. I wasn’t expecting that at all and wasn’t expecting to have people run back to the booth with their friends to try it.”
The mixes are designed to help lower high blood pressure, help regulate blood sugar and maintain a healthy weight. In addition to the oatmeal mixes, the company sells Maca Energy Bars. Maca powder regulates metabolism, growth, attitude, energy levels, sexual development and a sense of well-being. Oh, and, not a minor point, they taste great as well!
Seil-Webb originally set out to earn a degree as a registered dietician, but when she heard about MCC’s Sustainable Food Systems program, she decided to enroll in conjunction with getting her pre-dietetic classes completed. The program provided her with a broad array of knowledge. She learned about creating more sustainable ways of how food is grown, purchased, prepared and consumed.
“I’m glad I have my certification,” Seil-Webb said. “For me, it was really pivotal to feel confident enough to be able to go forward and do what I’m doing now with my oatmeal company.
“Part of my internship that I did was me actually starting this company, which was perfect."
Seil-Webb said MCC instructors were extremely helpful.
“Lori Zienkewicz, Maureen Zimmerman and Sue Thomas were super supportive,” Seil-Webb said. “Lori gave me advice on how to protect my product…they taught me how to understand the farmer’s market world… and Maureen even emailed me information about a new cottage law to make confectionary and non-hazardous goods in my home.”
Seil-Webb said she feels fortunate she has been able to start slow and not go into debt, accumulating equipment in preparation for opening her own commercial kitchen. She is amazed by the success of her company.
“I am so grateful to these instructors for supporting me.”