MCC Turns 50

MCC Southern and Dobson Campus

MCC Red Campus

On April 12, 1965, the Maricopa County Community College District named Mesa Community College as a separate institution from Phoenix College. MCC celebrated the historic event April 8 – 10. View the video footage and photos.

How Mesa Community College Got Its Start
History of Mesa Community College by Arizona Republic writer Jay Mark
Arizona Republic, April 3, 2015

Covering Mesa: MCC 50th Anniversary Celebration
Mesa Channel 11 video coverage of MCC's 50th Celebration.
Covering Mesa: MCC 50th Anniversary Celebration

Rose Garden, 50th Birthday and Pow Wow Featured on MCTV
MCC's Rose Garden (beginning), 50th Birthday (minute 16:25) and Pow Wow (minute 22:11) are featured on MCTV, the Official Monthly T.V. Magazine Show of the Maricopa Community Colleges, Cox Digital Channel 115.

Facebook Photo Albums of MCC Birthday Celebrations
April 8 - Red Mountain Campus
April 8 - Southern and Dobson Campus
April 10 - Red Mountain Campus
April 10 - Southern and Dobson Campus
April 10 - Rose Bed Dedication at Southern and Dobson