Community Partners

Interested in becoming a community partner with the CCCE? Download the application packet below.

Note: The MCCCD Experiential Partnership Agreement requires the signature of the person in legal authority to enter into a legally binding agreement with our District.

Submit your completed forms to:

Please return your forms as quickly as possible for our students to serve at your site.

Already a Partner?

Has your agency already signed the MCCCD Community Partner Placement Agreement? Check the community partner directory here.

Agency Database

For more details and to explore these partnerships, please visit the community partner directory to add yourself to our growing list of community partner organizations.

For more information contact Andrea Sanchez by phone at: 480-461-7243 or by email at:

Promote Your Organization

Service Sites Database

The Service Sites Database can be found here. This database is where students can search for an agency to complete hours.


VolunteerFest is a free fair-style event that happens about the third week of the Fall & Spring semester at our Southern & Dobson and Red Mountain Campuses.

Agencies can interact and talk face-to-face with those who are interested in serving with their organization. It is also a great chance to network with other agency representatives. Please contact for more information!

Submit Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities is a page for our approved community partners to promote their one-day, or short-term in-person/virtual service opportunity. Please complete this form to post an opportunity.

Social Media

Become a fan of our Facebook page, or follow us on Instagram, @mesa_ccce.


From time to time, faculty invite agency representatives into their classes to promote their organization and/or to cover a topic that the class is discussing (i.e. domestic violence, mentoring).
