
If you already know what you need, go ahead and register for it!

But if you need help, read on.

You will find many answers here. This web site contains all the information that most students need to select and enroll in Electronics courses. However, you should contact an Advisor if you ...

  • need help determining which degree to pursue, or,
  • have significant electronics training or work experience, or,
  • are transferring from another college, or,
  • are transferring credits from the military.

Advisors can help by giving career advice, waiving prerequisites, or substituting other courses for credit towards a degree. The best place to get advisement is from the professionals in the MCC Advising Department.

In some specialized instances, such as evaluating industrial and military experience, or making course substitutions, you may want to see our Electronics Professors and our Technology Department Advisor.

The questions listed below may also help. If you need more help, you may also send a note to the Electronics staff using the form at the bottom of this page. Note: if you have any questions that are not related to ADVISEMENT, please see our MCC Electronics FAQ first!

Here are Some Answers to Common Questions

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I am transferring to MCC Electronics from another school. How do I get started?

If you are transferring to MCC from another school, ask your old school to send an official transcript to
MCC's Office of Admissions
1833 West Southern Avenue
Mesa, AZ 85202

The MCC Office of Admissions will evaluate your transcript and transfer all your transferable credits into our system. Contact the MCC Office of Admissions at (480) 461-7600 if you need additional information.

This process can take a couple of months, so don't delay.

When the credits do transfer in, make an appointment to see the Technology Department advisor or the Electronics Program Director. Why? Because unfortunately, Electronics credits usually transfer in as "Electronics Electives", without a course number. The Electronics Program Director will need to convert these "elective" credits over to the matching MCC Electronics course numbers. Be sure to bring a transcript from your old school.

If your old school had an articulation agreement with MCC Electronics, obtain a copy of the articulation from from your old school, have it signed by your instructor, and bring it along with your transcript when you meet with your MCC Electronics advisor. We will grant you credit based on the terms of the Articulation Agreement with your school.

I just want to take one MCC Electronics course, but I took the prerequisites at another school. What should I do?

If you are not pursuing a degree, and just want to take a specific course, go ahead an register for it. If it has prerequisites, and you have taken those prerequisites at another school, send the Electronics Program Director a note, and he will waive the prereqs for you. (This is a common situation for working technicians and engineers who have earned a degree elsewhere and simply need a refresher course or two here at MCC.)

Which degree should I get?

Take a look at our Electronics Degrees. You may also want to talk to an Electronics Professor.

I'm a new student, and I'm pursuing the ET degree. What courses should I take first?

If you are new to MCC Electronics, you might be wondering just where to begin in the degree you have chosen. You have a few options:

You can start with ELE100 and/or ELE181. These courses have no prerequisites. You can register for them online.

If you have had some math background, however, you may be able to skip ELE100 and one or both of our math courses. Our ET degree requires only Algebra, so if you have already had Calculus, you will not need to take any more math courses.

If you have had some math background, but aren't sure where it fits in to our course sequence, you can take a placement test that will gauge your mathematical skills and possibly let you skip some courses. To do this, visit the MCC Testing Center and ask for the Technical Math placement test. (Be sure to ask for "Technical Math" because there are other exams with similar sounding names!)

There is no cost for this exam, and you can it on a walk-in basis. Calculators are not allowed. It takes about 45 minutes. Do not view this as a "pass/fail" exam; it is simply a tool for you to determine which course would be best for you to take first. Nobody needs to see the score except you.

After taking the exam, use the score to determine what course you should take according to this table:

Technical Math Score Course Placement

0 - 10


11 - 18


19 - 26


27 - 50

Take the Technical Algebra Test

If you score 19 or higher, you are eligible to take ELE101. If you score 27 or higher, you are eligible to take the next test to see if you can skip ELE101. If you want to do this, ask for the Technical Algebra placement test. (Again, be sure to ask for "Technical Algebra" -- there are other exams with similar sounding names.) After taking this test, interpret your score according to the following scale:

Technical Algebra Score Course Placement

0 - 15


16 - 32


If you score 16 or higher on the Technical Algebra exam, then you may SKIP ELE101 if you desire and jump right into ELE105.

If you have transferred any courses from another school, you do not need to re-take those courses here. Skip them.

I'm a new student, and I'm pursuing the EET degree, not the ET degree. What courses should I take first?

If you are new to MCC Electronics, you might be wondering just where to begin in the degree you have chosen. You have a few options:

You can start with ELE181. This course has no prerequisites. You can register for it online.

The EET degree requires two semesters of algebra, trigonometry, and two semesters of calculus, so if you already have these, you do not need to take any more math courses.

If you do not already have a math background, the program prerequisite math course is MAT122 - Intermediate algebra. You can start with this course.

If you have had some math background, but aren't sure where it fits in to our course sequence, you can take a placement test that will gauge your mathematical skills and possibly let you skip some courses. To do this, visit the MCC Testing Center and ask for the College Algebra placement test. (Be sure to ask for "College Algebra" because there are other exams with similar sounding names!)

There is no cost for this exam, and you can it on a walk-in basis. Calculators are not allowed. It takes about 45 minutes. Do not view this as a "pass/fail" exam; it is simply a tool for you to determine which course would be best for you to take first. Nobody needs to see the score except you.

If you score 42 or higher, then you may SKIP MAT122 if you desire and jump right in to MAT151.

If you have transferred any courses from another school, you do not need to re-take those courses here. Skip them.

Can I take ENG111 instead of ENG102 for the ET or EET degree?
