Emergency Response/Disaster Recovery
Hazmat Training
Emergency management systems including career opportunities, function, tasks and responsibilities of the emergency management program manager, role of the emergency manager in mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. Past civil defense and current emergency management systems since evolution from World War II.
Knowledge and skills required to develop programs to reduce losses from future disasters, emergencies, and other extreme events caused by natural and manmade hazards.
Fire Investigation
Focus on case building for fire investigators. Emphasis on hands-on application, practice examining and recording the fire/arson scene. Includes field exercises with arson task force to investigate a crime scene.
Fire Officer Leadership
Administrative methods applied to the fire service, departmental organization, and personnel management. Includes fire alarm signaling systems, fire service planning, and relationships with other city departments.
Management of fire service personnel functions. Includes selection procedures, employee discipline, performance ratings, elements of supervision. Labor relations and related personnel responsibilities.
Examines the personal and practical skills needed to enhance customer service in the public sector with an emphasis on application, basic management requirements, and training.