Course Descriptions

PHI 101

Introduction to Philosophy LEC 3.0 Credit(s) 3.0 Period(s)

General consideration of human nature and the nature of the universe. Knowledge, perception, freedom and determinism, and the existence of God.


PHI 103

Introduction to Logic LEC 3.0 Credit(s) 3.0 Period(s)

Informal logic, logical fallacies, elementary symbolic logic, analysis of argument forms, and construction of proofs for validity.


ENG101, or ENG107, or equivalent.

PHI 104

World Philosophy LEC 3.0 Credit(s) 3.0 Period(s)

Examination of questions such as the meaning of life and death, social justice, appearance and reality, human nature, the identity of the self freedom and destiny, the ethical life, and the relationship of science and religion. Comparative analysis of diverse Eastern and Western viewpoints.



PHI 105

Introduction to Ethics LEC 3.0 Credit(s) 3.0 Period(s)

Major theories of conduct. Emphasis on normative ethics, theories of good and evil from Plato to the present.



PHI 106

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving LEC 3.0 Credit(s) 3.0 Period(s)

Commonly used informal fallacies; examination of emotive and unclear uses of language, including sexism and loaded terms; and methods for analyzing extended arguments. Application to news media, advertising, political speeches, and textbooks.


ENG101 or ENG107 or equivalent.

PHI 201

History of Ancient Philosophy LEC 3.0 Credit(s) 3.0 Period(s)

History of Ancient Philosophy Historical survey of the intellectual history of the Greco-Roman world, focusing on the philosophical tradition and social/historical context.



PHI 212

Contemporary Moral Issues LEC 3.0 Credit(s) 3.0 Period(s)

Contemporary Moral Issues Philosophical consideration of such moral issues as civil disobedience, preferential treatment, abortion, privacy, sexual morality, and poverty and hunger.



PHI 213

Medical & Bio-Ethics LEC 3.0 Credit(s) 3.0 Period(s)

A philosophical consideration of moral problems that arise in relation to medicine and biology, e.g., death, patient's rights and biological experimentation.



PHI 216

Environmental Ethics LEC 3.0 Credit(s) 3.0 Period(s)

Philosophical consideration of diverse theories and perspectives on the environment, and application of these theories to global moral issues such as animal rights, preservation of wilderness and species, population, world hunger and poverty, and air and water pollution. .



PHI 218

Philosophy of Sexuality LEC 3.0 Credit(s) 3.0 Period(s)

Philosophical examination of sexuality in human life. Historical and critical survey of philosophical and theological views. Comparison and evaluation of contemporary theories about the nature of sexual desire and sexual acts. Implications of theories for contemporary moral problems.


ENG101, or ENG107, or permission of Instructor.

PHI 233

Theory of Knowledge LEC 3.0 Credit(s) 3.0 Period(s)

Epistemological issues which have concerned philosophers from the time of the ancient Greeks until the present. Topics selected from the following: the technical terminology of epistemology, the nature of knowledge, knowledge of past events, knowledge of other minds, and knowledge of physical objects.


PHI101 or permission of Instructor.

PHI 234

Plato LEC 3.0 Credit(s) 3.0 Period(s)

The ideas of Plato and Socrates and their impact on western thought.



PHI 244

Philosophy of Religion LEC 3.0 Credit(s) 3.0 Period(s)

Religious language, the existence of God, miracles, and human destiny.



PHI 250

Ethics in Higher Education LEC 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s)

Philosophical consideration of and diverse perspectives on moral problems that arise in higher education, including academic freedom, hiring practices, diversity, sexual harassment, community responsibilities, stewardship of public trust, intellectual property, and other related issues.

