
Suggested Honors Projects:

Honors courses are generally based on research, writing, and presenting. Specific Honors projects are developed according to your interests and the course objectives.

  • Interview a social worker from Child Protective Services to gain their perspective on the child abuse and neglect problems in the Valley, and their suggestions for remedies and treatment.
  • Research the work of Virginia Satir, an MSW who was a great pioneer in the area of marriage and family therapy.
  • Attend a meeting of NAMI Arizona and research community resources for the mentally ill.
  • Engage in a service learning project of your choice ( I have a list of pre approved sites). If you are already involved in a class service learning project, an added dimension to the project can be developed.
  • Visit the Service Learning website to learn more about Service Learning projects.
  • Attend a meeting of AA or any other self help group for addictions, and research current therapies for addiction issues, or research addiction prevention.
  • Attend PFLAG, a self-help group for Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays. Present to the class on the experience, or further research this and write a paper.
  • Research cross-cultural adoptions, and the policies of Native American tribes and the National Association of Black Social Workers, regarding adoption of racial and ethnic minorities.
  • Attend a local meeting of Amnesty International or AIPER, and explain the importance of its work in terms of International Social Work and Social Work Ethics.
  • Interview someone from AASK, Adoption of Special Needs Kids, about their successes and challenges.
  • Attend a meeting of the Gray Panthers and research the issues that they think are most important for seniors in the early years of the 21st century, both in AZ and nationally.
  • Interview a Transplant Social Worker regarding health needs and challenges facing transplant patients.
  • Explore the goals, work and effectiveness of the MAJC, Maricopa Alliance for Juvenile Corrections.