Useful Websites

US History & Culture Websites

“History for the Mind …and Heart”

This website is hosted by Independence Hall Association (IHA) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The website has links to Places, People, Resources, and Events and Groups. These links focus on American history during the Revolutionary and Colonial periods.

“American History Collections by Subjects”

The National Museum of American History hosts this website. The Museum’s website focuses on American culture and history from the American Revolution to present day. The website has online exhibitions and information on subjects such as US Military, Food, Art, Culture and Communities, Family and Social Life, and Transportation.

“America’s Story”

The Library of Congress in Washington, D. C. hosts “America’s Story” website. The Library of Congress is the United States’ library and is the largest library in the world. This website has links titled “Meet Amazing Americans,” “Jump back in Time,” “Explore the States, “Join American at Play,” and “See, Hear and Sing.”

“American History”

This website is also hosted by the Library of Congress. This website has links based on Time Period or Subject. Students can find valuable information on Arts & Culture, Government, Law & Politics, Maps & Geography, News, Religion & Philosophy, Science, Technology & Business, and Sports, Recreations & Leisure. There are also links to their Digital Collections as well as a link to a Library of Congress librarian.

Safety Tips for College Students

“Top Ten Safety Tips for College Students”

The author of this article, Elizabeth Hoyt, discusses areas of safety for college students in several important areas. For example, she gives advice on safety and the use of technology, using locks, and knowing the campus that students attend.

“International Student Guide to the United States of America”

This website gives practical advice for international students and how to be safe while studying in the United States. There are hints on being observant of the surroundings, staying safe at night, taking care of valuables, maintaining safe housing, and guarding personal information.

“5 Safety Tips for International Students on U.S. Campuses”

The Academic Credentials Evaluation Institute hosts this website. It gives five basic safety tips for international students. The website’s information is also helpful to all students who are attending a college or university on assessing the safety of the school and the area.

ESL Websites

“Guide to Grammar”

The City College of San Francisco has created these materials. It provides help with grammar, spelling, and pronunciation. It provides explanations and exercises to practice.

“Guide to Writing”

The University of Minnesota has published this book. It has helpful information on grammar, college-level reading, and paragraph, essay, and research paper writing.

“English Skills: Online Study and Practice”

This website is hosted by Portland Community College. Students can practice Grammar & Writing, Reading, Vocabulary, Spelling, Study Skills, and Communication & Pronunciation. Each of these six sections has links to other sites where students can learn and practice English at their own pace.

“Cool Sites for ESL Students”

The University of Chicago’s staff and students developed this website. The site offers links to quality websites in twelve areas. The areas are Listening Comprehension, Writing, News, Research/Study Skills, Reading, Grammar, Test Preparation, Multi-Purpose ESL Sites, Speaking, Vocabulary, Culture, and Health/Fitness. The site is easy to navigate and gives ESL students practice in many necessary areas.

“50 Essential Resources for ESL Students”

Open Education Database (OEDb) hosts this website. It gives information and links for ESL students in Grammar and Usage, Spelling and Pronunciation, Vocabulary and Writing, and Quizzes and Worksheets. This website also has links to Podcasts and YouTube Channels that are helpful to international students from all over the world.

“Online English Degrees”

Hosted by Center for Online Education, it provides information on how to choose a degree in English, a program of study, a college, and maybe a career in the field. It has many useful, up-to-date information that can help one in making an informed decision about English studies in higher education.