
The science of microbiology embraces a biologically diverse group of microscopic organisms known as microorganisms (or microbes). Microbes include bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, and viruses and are present in vast numbers in nearly every environment and habitat on Earth. In all, by weight microbes make up about two thirds of the Earth's living material.

Microbiology (BIO205)

“He who cures a disease may be the skillfullest, but he who prevents it is the safest physician."

Thomas Fuller

Are you planning on applying for an allied health program like nursing, dental hygiene, or veterinary technology? BIO205 is the microbiology course for you. You will use the knowledge you gain in BIO205 everyday as an allied healthcare professional.

“Most antibiotics used by humans are produced by fungi and certain soil bacteria.”

Michael Zasloff

Microbes normally colonize our skin and grow in our mouth, ears, nose, throat, and digestive tract. Fortunately, 95% of microbes are not harmful and may actually be beneficial in keeping dangerous microbes out. Join us in BIO205 to find out more about the relationship between microbes and our lives.

“The major reason we are seeing antibiotic resistance is overuse of antibiotics in the population for illnesses that don't require antibiotics (colds, sore throats, flu); these illnesses that would resolve by themselves because they are caused by viruses.”

Bob Harrison



Course Description:

Study of microorganisms and their relationship to health, ecology, and related fields.

Prerequisites: (BIO156 or BIO181 with a grade of "C" or better) or (one year high school biology with a grade of "C" or better). (CHM130 or higher numbered CHM prefixed course) or (one year of high school chemistry) suggested but not required.

General Education Designations: SG

SUN# BIO2205