Simulation Procedures


All meetings of MCCMUN are conducted in accordance with the Rules of Procedure. Delegates will find it essential to understand the Rules of Procedure to participate effectively in meetings. The meetings consist of:

  • General Debate on each topic where delegates state their nations general views on the agenda item under discussion;
  • Substantive Debate is a more detailed discussion on the specific points of the agenda item presented in resolutions, proposals and amendments which have been formally introduced by delegates and are under consideration;
  • Voting on resolutions and amendments and other proposals.

Through the debate process, delegates develop creative solutions to the agenda item under consideration and propose actions in the form of resolutions. To be adopted, a resolution must first be submitted to the Secretariat; which prints and distributed copies to all delegates. The delegates must gain the support of the majority of the members of the Committee or Council in which the resolution is being considered.

In addition to making speeches in Council or Committee, much of the delegates work in gaining support from other members for their proposals is done in caucus. A caucus is an informal meeting of nations with similar interests to discuss general strategy on specific agenda items pertaining to any agreement of the items under discussion. It provides an opportunity for informal discussion among delegates. Many nations belong to more than one caucus group. Caucusing is a major part of the diplomacy of both the United Nations and the Model United Nations.

The Presiding Officers

The Presiding Officers of each Body are appointed by the Secretary-General, who is solely responsible for their conduct and service. A Chairperson, a Substantive Officer, and Legal Officer constitute the officer of each Body. The Chairperson shall have primary responsibility for the overall direction and conduct of the meeting.

The Substantive Officer acts as a liaison between the Chair and the delegates.

The Substantive officer shall:

  • Provide information on procedural strategies;
  • Provide interpretation of the rules;
  • Accept submitted resolutions;
  • Provide background information on agenda items to the delegates.

The Legal Officer assists the Chairperson in coordinating the Body's business.

The Legal Officer shall

  • Maintain a speakers list;
  • Call the role;
  • Provide the parliamentary advice to the Chair.

Function of the Chair

Subject to the Rules of Procedure, the Chair has complete control of the proceedings of the Body. In fulfilling this responsibility, the Chair has three types of functions: Obligatory, Discretionary, and Initiatory.

Obligatory functions are duties which are required of the chair and are solely under his/her power.

The Chair shall:

  • Declare the opening and closing of each meeting;
  • Direct its discussions;
  • Ensure observance of the rules;
  • Maintain order;
  • Announce decisions;
  • Ensure the presence of a quorum;
  • Determine what constitutes a short substantive amendment;
  • Differentiate procedural and substantive proposals;
  • Ensure the proper conduct of the vote;
  • Call speakers in the order they signify their wish to speak;
  • Ensure that speakers do not exceed their allotted time;
  • Make certain speeches are relevant to the topic and type of debate.
  • Discretionary powers ensure the most efficient and expeditious pursuit of business.

The Chair shall:

  • Permit short substantive amendments to be discussed without distribution;
  • Require that a proposal be duplicated and circulated before it may be discussed;
  • Permit members to explain their vote on roll call votes;
  • Limit the time that members may speak;
  • Permit points of information and personal privilege when in the best interest of the committee;
  • Determine when such motions are dilatory.
  • The Chair may limit the amount of time for speakers on motions of:
  • Postponement of debate;
  • Agenda changes;
  • Closure of debate.

In the absence of specific rules governing General and Substantive Debate, the Chair shall interpret rule P-23 (Short Speeches and Comments) to best facilitate these discussion with the consent of the Body.

Initiatory functions are accorded to the Chairs allowing them to propose certain motions to the Body so as to facilitate its smooth operations. While responsibility is shared by the Body and their officers for the proper functioning of the meeting, the Chair is the sole person able to propose:

  • Closure of the speakers list;
  • Limitation of the time allocated to speeches;
  • Limitation of the time allocated to speakers.

The Chair may also propose motions for the suspension and adjournment of the meeting, subject to the procedures specified in P-27. Finally, the Chair may suggest other procedural rules to the Body when deemed appropriate.

Procedural Motions and Points

Procedural motions and points are interruptions in the meeting to change or question the conduct of the meeting. To make a motion, the delegation should raise his/her placard, and, when recognized by the Chair, state the rule number and title of the motion or point desired. If accepted by the Chair, the delegate should then specify the exact nature of the motion or point. In the interest of clarity for both the Body and the Chair, motions to suspend the meeting shall not be amended, except by the proposer (and only once by the proposer). Procedural motions may be adopted without a formal vote, utilizing the procedure seeing no objections. .


One-third of the Members of the Body shall constitute a quorum. If asked, the Chair shall rule on the presence of a quorum. The Chair is not required to call the roll. A quorum is assumed present unless specifically challenged. If a proposal is adopted and the total vote does not equal a majority of the Body, the proposal is accepted since a quorum was assumed present at the time of the vote.

Point of Personal Privilege

A point of personal privilege is a request concerning the immediate meeting environment (e.g. decorum, problems of hearing, the air conditioner.etc.).


Motions which are blatantly used to create confusion, stall the proceeding, or block the progress of the Body in its work are subject to a ruling of dilatory by the Chair. A ruling of dilatory means that the motion is considered out of order and as having never been made.

Suspension of the Meeting

Motions to suspend the meeting (P-27) provide time for delegates to caucus and determine the starting and ending time of each days meetings. Such motions take precedence over all others and may be moved at any time, except in the middle of a speech or vote. In the interests of clarity for both the Body and its Officers, motions to suspend shall not be subject to amendment except by the proposer (and only once by the proposer). The proposer must specify the time at which the meeting will resume.

Immediate Vote

The term immediate vote as used in this document means that the vote on the matter commences immediately, without debate or discussion on the proposal being acted upon.

Adjournment of the Meeting

A motion to adjourn (P-27) is the last motion to be considered by the Body and terminates its activities for the simulation. It is in order only after all business of the Body has been concluded.To move for adjournment, the Body must first have completed or adjourned work on each agenda item. A motion to adjourn shall be put to an immediate vote and requires a majority to pass.

Postponement of Debate

A motion to postpone debate (P-28) may occur only in reference to agenda items. If adopted, the Body shall move on to the next order of business. For example, substantive debate on the first agenda item may be postponed until the resolutions are duplicated and distributed. If Substantive Debate is postponed until this time, the Body would proceed to consider General Debate on the second agenda item. Motions to postpone debate must specify the time at which the item will be considered. The motion is debatable, with two speakers, including the proposer, in favor and two speakers against the motion. This motion requires a majority to be adopted.

Closure of the Agenda Item

A motion to close an agenda item (P-29) attempts to end all discussion on that agenda item. If adopted, the Body proceeds to the next order of business. The motion is debatable with two speakers, including the proposer, in favor and two speakers opposed. A two-thirds majority is required to close an agenda item.

Adjournment of Debate

Not to be confused with P-27 (Adjournment of the Meeting), adjournment of debate (P-30) attempts to end the current discussion on an agenda item. If General Debate is adjourned, the Body shall proceed to Substantive Debate on the same agenda item. If Substantive Debate is adjourned, the Body shall proceed to voting bloc on the same agenda item. The motion is debatable with two speakers, including the proposer, in favor and two speakers against. A two-thirds majority is required to adjourn debate.

General Debate

Following the practice of the United Nations, all Committees will employ a two-step debate process (P-23). Committee members engage in both General and Substantive Debate on each agenda item. Delegates who deliver substantive speeches during General Debate, or vice versa, will be ruled out of order.

General Debate begins with discussion of the agenda item. Each delegate is afforded an opportunity to express his/her states perception of the issue, evaluation of past action or inaction, and alternatives for future action. References to specific events and data are also made here. General Debate serves both to review the problem and perceptions of it as well as to note areas of concern and unity for future action.

No representative may address the Body without previously obtaining the Chairs permission. Speakers for General and Substantive Debate shall generally be recognized from a speakers list maintained by the Chair. To participate in General Debate, a delegate must indicate his/her desire to be on the speakers list by rising under P-23 when appropriate. Debate will continue until the speakers list is exhausted or debate is closed (P-29) or adjourned (P-30). To shorten the speakers list, members may request of the Chair that their names be removed from the speakers list. Requests for placement on the speakers list in other than the order submitted shall be the sole discretion of the Chair.

Placement on the speakers list ensures a block of time for the delegates use. The Chair may limit the duration of the speeches (P-3). When recognized, a delegate may use all or part of the time allotted, or the delegate may yield any remaining time to another delegate. The delegate, however, must use the time immediately and may not defer it to a later time. Once a delegates name appears on the speakers list, it may be moved only once to the bottom of the list (P-23). Once he/she has completed a speech, he/she may place his/her name on the speakers list again (P-23).

After each speech from the list, the Chair may entertain short speeches and comments on the preceding speech under P-23. A short speech is a brief response to the issues, perceptions, and positions mentioned in the previous speech. Comments on any other speech or topic will be ruled out of order and the original speaker may not comment on his/her own speech. The Chair may limit the number and duration of the short comments.

During debate, a delegate may ask a question of another delegate under P-25, Point of Inquiry. The Chair may rule if the question pertains to the topic under discussion. Both question and response must be addressed to the Chair. At no time is debate to become a dialogue between delegates directly. Question of an informal nature or procedural nature may be asked of the Chair under P-25, Point of Information, and the Chair on behalf of the Assembly may ask a specific delegate for information. No other questioning is permitted. Questions of a policy nature may be addressed through a short comment, or in a subsequent speech.

<Submission of Resolutions on the First Agenda Item

Resolutions, while produced by individual states or group of states, are proposals of basic Committee policy. They form the basis of discussion during Substantive Debate on agenda items.Thus, specific guidelines must be followed as to their form, time of submission, nature of distribution, and type of considerations. (Refer to P-11 and P-14)

Resolutions are drafted by Committee members and should be typed or legibly printed for submission to the Chair. The Chair specifies the time which resolutions are to be accepted on a given agenda item. Normally, resolutions are accepted from the beginning of General Debate until one half hour after its close. Resolutions are submitted to the Substantive Officer who will check for proper form (a guide to writing resolutions is included in this informational packet.) If accepted, the resolution will be numbered and sent to be typed and duplicated by the Department of Public Information (DPI). The resolutions will be distributed before Substantive Debate, at which time they will be formally introduced. Duplication by delegates for official distribution will not be permitted.

General Debate on the Second/Third Agenda Item

General debate on the second agenda item generally takes place during the time period that resolutions of the first agenda item are being typed and duplicated by DPI. Basically, this repeats the process on General Debate on the first agenda item discussed in the section above.

Distribution of Resolutions on the First Agenda Item

After resolutions have been typed and duplicated by DPI, they are returned to the Committee. The Legal Officer will distribute copies of the resolutions to each member of the Committee. A brief period of time is usually allowed for members to read and review resolutions before Substantive Debate begins.

Substantive Debate on the First Agenda Item

Substantive Debate involves direct discussion on the various draft resolutions and amendments before the Committee. It is an effort to formulate specific policy articulations. Substantive Debate occurs on all resolutions and amendments simultaneously and as a unit; each proposal is not debated separately. During this period resolutions and amendments are formally introduced. Speakers shall offer their states view on all or some of the resolutions and amendments, noting their strengths and weaknesses. Authors of substantive proposals may defend their drafts and critique others. Debate proceeds in the same manner as described for General Debate discussed above. It may not begin until all resolutions submitted on the item have been duplicated and distributed.

Amendments to Resolutions

Amendments are additions, deletions, or changes to an existing draft resolution. Amendments must be typed or legibly printed and submitted to the Substantive Officer prior to their introduction. All amendments must be formally introduced (Refer to P-11 and P-14).

An amendment may, however, be submitted for numbering and duplication at any time prior to its formal introduction, including the time of resolution submission. Early submission is highly recommended since the Chair may, at his/her discretion, not permit discussion without its duplication and distribution. The proposer of an amendment should thus reserve a space early in Substantive Debate to ensure introduction and discussion of the amendment. If the proposer fails to do this, a speaker on the list may be asked by the proposer to yield time to the proposer for that purpose.

If the amendment is of a procedural nature (i.e. spelling correction, style, or typing) or a short substantive proposal, the Chair may allow its oral introduction without duplication of the amendment. In cases of more than one amendment of a particular resolution, amendments will be voted on in the order numbered by the Chair. If all the sponsor(s) of a resolution do not object to an amendment to that resolution, the amendment is considered a friendly amendment and is added to the resolution without a vote. A sponsor may not amend his/her own resolution.An amendment may not be amended.

States may add or withdraw sponsorship to resolutions and amendments at any time up to the close of Substantive Debate (P-14). Resolutions adopted in the Committee will not bear the sponsors names as they are the statements of the committee and not of the individual states. If all sponsors of a resolution or amendment withdraw sponsorship prior to the beginning of voting, other states will be offered a chance to co-sponsor. If none responds, the resolution or amendment will not be put to a vote.

Conduct of the Vote

Voting shall normally take place by the delegates raising their placards and voting either in favor, against, or abstaining. Abstentions do not figure into the calculation of the vote. A tie vote is considered to be a rejection of the proposal. Once voting has begun, it may not be interrupted by any statement or motion, except a point concerning the manner in which the vote is being conducted.

On any substantive proposal, any delegate may request a roll call vote. The request must be made before the vote has begun. The roll call vote will be called in order. A delegate will vote yes, no, abstain, yes with explanation, no with explanation, or pass. After the initial roll call has been taken the Chair will ask those members who passed to vote; a delegate may pass once per roll call. Then the Chair will call for any changes in votes. Changes are permitted only on roll call votes. The Chair shall ask delegates who voted yes or no with explanation to explain their vote (P-21).

Formal votes are required on all substantive proposals. Procedural motions may be adopted without a vote by utilizing the phrase seeing no objections.

Distinguished Delegates and Other Awards

MCCMUN will elect a Distinguished Delegate and Runner-Up from each committee, the Best Policy Statement, Distinguished Delegation, and Distinguished School awards based on the following criteria:

  • Quality of written work submitted prior to simulation;
  • Knowledge of rules;
  • Accurate representation of countrys position;
  • Leadership shown in caucus;
  • Diplomatic representation.