After you've submitted your FAFSA, your Student Center is where you will check the status of your financial aid.

Student Email
Important information regarding your financial aid will be sent to your Maricopa Student Email. You can access your Maricopa Student Email from your Student Center or from the MCCCD Student Email login page. You will log into your email using your MEID and password. It's very important that you regularly check your student email account for new messages.
To Do List
Your To Do List is located on your Task tile on your Student Center. When we receive your FAFSA information, items may be placed on your To Do List. Click on each To Do List item to view details and information that will help you complete the item.
You will not be offered financial aid until all To Do List items are completed and removed from your To Do List. Continue to check your To Do List and Message Center at least once a week. New To Do List items and messages may show up at any time.