Transferring out

If you are looking to transfer to a different school there is a certain process that you must follow. Following this process will enable you to transfer to a different school without you falling out of status. The process for transferring is explained below.

Transferring out Process

  1. Pre-requisites

    In order for you to be able to be transferred out you will need to fulfill the following requirements. Failure to do so will result in your request being delayed. Before submitting any documents make sure that you:

    • Are in status
    • Have a balance of zero at all Maricopa colleges (no financial/credit history hold)
    • Dropped all of your Maricopa classes for the upcoming semester
    • Are admitted at the new school. Each school has a different admission process for international students. Make sure that you check what the requirements are for international students looking to transfer in are at your new school.
  2. Gather the necessary documents

    Once you made sure you fulfill those requirements you will need to gather the following documents:

    • Proof of acceptance at new school (i.e. Acceptance Letter)
    • The transfer form from your new school with the student portion filled out and signed by you.*
  3. Submit the documents

    You will need to submit an online request by clicking on this link and upload both documents. We will then review the submitted documents and release your SEVIS record after your grades for the current semester are posted.

  4. Contact your new school

    Once the semester is over and you have submitted your documents online, you will need to contact your new school to verify that you have been transferred.

*Some schools don’t have transfer forms. If this is the case make sure that you submit written proof by the school.

Additional Information

It is important to highlight that we will not initiate the Transfer Out process until the end of the current semester.

Make sure that you do the transfer process on time. As mentioned above, some applications may take up to 10 business days to be processed.


Your new school will ask for official transcripts. In order to request official transcripts from MCC you will need to go to enrollment services in person or request them electronically through your Student Center.

Please read these instructions for more information on requesting official transcripts