AppleCare Certificate of Completion

Would you like to become an Apple Repair Technician?

The certifications are based on the individual learning tracks for each specific device (e.g, iPhone, iPad, MacBook Pro).

Students will be certified as an apprentice for each individual device during their coursework study.

Become A Student

Associated Courses

AppleCare Exam Prep: iOS Device Repair 3 (BPC260) - 3 credits

Certifies students to perform troubleshooting and repair of all iPhone models currently supported by Apple. Students who complete the course are certified Apprentice in the Global Service Exchange (GSX) using the Apple learning management system (ATLAS). Prerequisites: None.

AppleCare Exam Prep: Mac Computer Models Repair 3 (BPC262) - 3 credits

Certifies students to perform troubleshooting and repair of all MacBook laptops and Mac computers currently supported by Apple. Students who complete the course are certified Apprentice in the Global Service Exchange (GSX) using the Apple learning management system (ATLAS). Prerequisites: None.


$97 per credit hour plus a one-time $15 registration fee

Total cost: $597* (6 credits including the initial registration fee)

*Tuition does not include fees for materials or textbooks.

Certification of Completion (CCL) in AppleCare Hardware Repair Exam Prep

The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in AppleCare Hardware Repair Exam Prep prepares students to perform troubleshooting and repair of devices and computer models currently supported by Apple. Upon successful completion, students will have the opportunity to become certified in the Global Service Exchange (GSX) using Apple Technical Learning Administration System (ATLAS), the Apple learning management system. The CCL in AppleCare Hardware Repair Exam Prep prepares students to take the AppleCare Hardware Certification exams.


  • BPC260: AppleCare Exam Prep: iOS Device Repair 3
  • BPC262: AppleCare Exam Prep: Mac Computer Models Repair 3

*C letter grade or better

Course Delivery

The courses within this program involve Live Online modality. Live Online courses feature online sessions that meet live on specific days and times. Attendance in these live online sessions is mandatory. Students are required to have access to a computer or mobile device, and Internet access, unless otherwise specified.

Before enrolling in their first online class at MCC, students need to view the online orientation and complete the readiness survey on


Matt Tengalia, Instructor

Diane Meza, MITI Director

Industry Outlook

Apple certifications enable the learner to diagnose hardware or device problems, repair devices and perform upgrades. These certifications assist candidates seeking employment as a service technician, such as those employed by an Apple Authorized Service Provider (AASP), a Self-Servicing Account (SSA), or an Apple reseller.

Upon completion of this certificate, students may pursue a career as:

  • Computer User Support Specialists
  • Computer Occupations, All Other
  • Computer, Automated Teller, and Office Machine Repairers

AppleCare Technician Flyer