Please answer the following questions. A representative from MITI will reach out to you upon completion. Internship Program Coordinator * indicates required field Company Name * Company Website Contact First Name * Contact Last Name * Contact Email Address * Contact Phone Number * Which of these would best describe your company? * Information Technology Manufacturing Other Internship Details* indicates required field What are the start and end dates for the internship program? What is the ideal number of interns you'd like to bring on board each quarter? Is the internship paid or unpaid? * An example of a paid internship would be 80 hours for $1500 Paid Unpaid What key qualifications and skills are you looking for in an ideal intern candidate? * What is the duration of the internship? The following options are examples, you are not limited to these options. Please select "Other" and input your own hours if your hours do not align with the options. Non-credit 80 Hours (1 Credit) 160 Hours (2 Credit) 240 Hours (3 Credit) Other What are the working hours for the interns? * Is there flexibility in these hours? * Yes No What is the location of the internship? * Is there a virtual option for the internship? * Yes No If yes, what virtual meeting platform do you suggest the intern use? Are there any specific requirements or equipment needs for the internship?