Brand Standards

MCC's updated logo is part of the new system of logos launched throughout the Maricopa County Community College District. The logo system more fully represents the relationship between the colleges and district as members of a large and thriving system, while building up the brand strength of each entity.

Our institution is built on teaching and learning, service, community and people. There should be no confusion resulting from any materials that are generated for or about MCC.

A primary contact between MCC and its constituents is through its publications. A consistent, cohesive presentation of the various printed and online materials, such as letters, brochures, catalogs, class schedules, posters, advertisements, mailings, and websites reflect the quality educational institution that is Mesa Community College.

An institution’s image is one of its most valuable assets. Image involves establishing a visual identity to provide an immediate connection between the institution and its constituents. This recognition value is established through the logo and consistency in the use of graphic images.

To protect this visual identity, these guidelines assist individuals in producing printed and online materials for MCC. Its intent is to set forth the various components necessary to ensure consistency. Although creativity is encouraged within publications, the standards specified in this manual must be followed so that the college’s printed materials will present a unified image.

All publications that represent Mesa Community College should be reviewed prior to production by the Office of Institutional Advancement, to ensure that the publications meet MCC standards.

For clarification or interpretations of situations not covered in this manual or to have materials reviewed, contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at 480-461-7445.