Assessment Results

Using the results for improvement is the goal of assessment. Assessment results inform our decision making to improve teaching and learning at MCC.

Elements that are typically found in a report on assessment results include:

  • Learning outcomes and/or assessment questions
  • Type of (learning) evidence that was collected and when it was collected
  • Description of the sampling method (if used)
  • Summary of Results

Student Outcomes Annual Reports

These reports offer direct measures of student learning with aggregate data about MCC's 4Cs: Civic Engagement, Comunicaiton, Critical Thinking, and Cultural and Global Engagement. Faculty self-select to integrate these learning outcomes into instructional practice and measure them at the course level. The reports also provide indirect measurements of student learning with exit surveys, course completion, persistence, and transfer rates.

Student Outcomes Committee

The Student Outcomes Committee (SOC) aims to understand how students learn so we can help to craft experiences that foster the development of knowledge, abilities, and habits of mind important for success in the workplace and/or further education. SOC offers college-wide showcases for faculty to share assessment practices and get feedback on these practices from colleagues. SOC has also implemented a listening tour activity to better understand, document, and share the ways that faculty assess student learning in their practice.

SOC Virtual Showcases

SOC Listening Tour

SOC members visited academic departments to conduct virtual listening tours to find out:

  • How do faculty describe assessment for student learning?
  • How can SOC foster and support student learning among faculty?

This video shows the qualitative data analysis process and results for art, communication, cultural science, education studies, reading, and social science.

After the listening tour, participating departments were invited to review the results and discuss their assessment practice again. The SOC committee provided each department with a list of resources (academic journals, websites, and other sources) to apply to their current practice. During the sessions, departments discussed opportunities to integrate assessment sharing into their department practice.

Press Release