Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
Need help filing your taxes? Get your taxes done for FREE! If your 2023 income was less than $64,000, The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program can help!
Sites are open from January 29 to April 13, 2024.
No appointments needed - Walk-in at all sites except for Red Mountain Library 10 AM-noon (reserve your appointment at rmlib-vita-bookafy.com).
- Order of service will be based on order of sign-in
- Priority will be given to clients needing special accommodations
- Capacity of each site is limited
- Intake may be stopped at any time
Limitations apply including:
- no married filing separately (MFS) returns,
- no rental or farm income (Sch E or F), or
- no loss in business (Sch C)
What to Bring
- Social Security Cards are required (or ITIN letters) for all members of the household
- Picture Identification for taxpayer (and spouse, where applicable)
- Proof of all income including W-2, all 1099 forms, and self-employment records (income and expenses)
- Child/Day care statements with name, address, and tax ID# of childcare provider
- Deductions (donations, home interest, property taxes, and medical expenses)
- Qualified contributions to AZ schools and non-profits
- Direct Deposit Information, including bank routing and account numbers (voided check)
- Affordable Care Act statements (Form 1095-A)
- Prior year tax return, if available (federal and state) - Not Required
- All documents must be provided in printed form, not emailed or on a mobile phone
Mesa VITA Sites
Salvation Army Mesa
241 E 6th St Mesa, AZ 85201
Mondays & Wednesdays 6 PM—9 PM
**Closed Feb. 19**
Mesa Community College (MCC) - Main Campus
1833 W Southern Ave Mesa, AZ 85202
Bldg EF Room 2E (off of Southern Ave near the Rose Garden)
Tuesdays & Thursdays 6 PM—9 PM **Closed March 12 & March 14**
Saturdays 9 AM—1 PM **Closed March 16**
Mesa Community College (MCC) - Red Mountain Campus
2305 N Power Rd Mesa, AZ 85215 Acacia Village
Mondays 6 PM—9 PM **Closed Feb. 19 & March 11**
Saturdays 9 AM—1 PM **Closed March 16**
A New Leaf - Mesa Community Action Network (MesaCAN)
635 E Broadway Rd Mesa, AZ 85204
Fridays 10 AM—2 PM **Closed March 29, 2024**
Saturday 10 AM—2 PM ONLY on Feb. 10, March 16, April 6
Red Mountain Library | Reserve at rmlib-vita-bookafy.com
635 N Power Rd Mesa, AZ 85205
Appointments required from 10 AM-Noon
Walk-in from Noon-2:30 PM
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays 10 AM—2:30 PM
**Closed March 29**
Chandler-Gilbert Community College (CGCC) - Williams Campus
Baylor Hall North Rm 124 (west side of Sossaman south of airport)
5920 S Kent St, Mesa AZ 85212
Tuesdays & Thursdays 6 PM—9 PM
**Closed March 12 and 14**
Other Free Tax Opportunities
- IRS Free Tax Prep Help Search
- MyFreeTaxes.com – this is a free (federal and state) self-preparation site that is LIVE NOW – recommended for simple returns