Course Objectives
Review the course objectives below. It is vital you know why you are serving.
Disclaimer: Your instructor and their syllabus have the final say. If you do not see your course listed, please visit with your faculty member about their expectations.
CFS176 To gain hands-on experience and interaction with preschool through early aged elementary children.
CFS205 To explore the growth and development process over the human life span including infants to toddlers, adolescents to teenagers, and/or adults to the elderly.
COM100 To conduct a service project that addresses / meets a community need. In COM 100 this can be with a small group with unique perspectives but a common goal; public speaking as the topic of a speech; or interpersonal communication with a reflection tied to relationships.
CRE101 To apply critical reading skills in real world settings.
EDU101 Tutor training with an opportunity to gain insights into instructional support services through a minimum of 30 hours of supervised on-site experience within an educational setting.
EDU220 To explore, compare and evaluate the various types of ELL strategies used to increase and enhance the second language acquisition process for ELLs to become academically successful within a SEI/ESL, bilingual or mainstreamed classroom setting.
EDU221 To gain hands-on experience in a P-12 classroom setting.
EDU222 To gain hands-on experience in a special education classroom, or in an inclusive (regular) classroom serving at least a few students with special needs, or in a differentiated (or multi-tiered) instruction program that is helping students who are not performing at grade-level.
EDU230 To work with diverse students in a classroom setting.
EDU291 To gain hands-on experience utilizing reading skills and theories to reading with children/youth.
EED205 To gain hands-on experience working with young children, typical and/or atypical in the age range of prenatal to age eight.
MGT215 To examine how motivation, leadership, communications, and other human factors affect the work place. Examine how conflict may be impacted by cultural differences. Also, explore the value of civic engagement in the community.
PSY101 Examine basic psychological concepts such as learning, memory, emotion, perception, physiological, developmental, intelligence, social and abnormal in a community service setting.
PSY132 To explore human diversity in behavior and culture in a community setting.
RDG095 Analyze children's books
REC120 Identify traditional and nontraditional career opportunities in the fields of recreation, leisure, and tourism.
SOC101 Examine basic sociological concepts such as culture, socialization, groups, race, gender, class, values, and norms, in a community service setting.
SOC140 To experience the racial and ethnic reality in the community.
SWU171 To gain hands-on experience in a social welfare setting; learn more about the needs of the community, and the role that you can play in contributing to meeting the community needs.
SWU291 To gain hands-on experience in a social welfare setting; learn more about the needs of the community, and the role that you can play in contributing to meeting the community needs.