Evening Lecture Series

Featured Evening Lecture (more videos linked below)

Finding Hope in Adversity: The Story of John Bul Dau (John Bul Dau)

About the Series

These evening lectures occur three times each semester and cover the full spectrum of topics in psychology. Guest lecturers with varying areas of expertise are invited on to the MCC campus to deliver these lectures. Past guest lecturers have included the distinguished, former President of the American Psychological Association, Dr. Phillip Zimbardo.

Ask your instructor about upcoming lectures. Here is what we are planning for this semester:

Spring 2024 Evening Lecture in Psychology Dates:

February 28th, 2024 - Theory and Science of Sleeping and Dreaming with Dr. Al Silberman and Dr. Scott Silberman

Location: SC-11E
Time: 7 PM - 9 PM

April 17th, 2024 - Finding Hope in Adversity: The Story of John Bul Dau, a Sudan Civil War Survivor

Location: MCC Performing Arts Center (PAC)
Time: 7 PM - 9 PM

FREE - Open to the Public

Links To Recent Evening Lectures

Spring 2024
Theory and Science of Sleeping and Dreaming (Al Silberman, Ph.D and Scott Silberman, Ph.D)
Finding Hope in Adversity: The Story of John Bul Dau (John Bul Dau)

Fall 2023
Cross Cultural Variations In Psychology (Amaranth Weiss, MA)
Industrial & Organizational Psychology (Jared McLain, Ph.D)

Spring 2023
Tales of a Mortician: Making a Living with Death (Frank Lambert, Family Burial and Cremation)
Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences (Christina Ahles, MA)
Bridging the Gap - Law Enforcement and FASD (Nancy Martinez, Civilian Consultant - Chandler PD)

Fall 2022
Postpartum Mental Health Issue (Michelle Lacy, MA, LPC, PMH-C)
Dementia and What's Happening in the Brain (Elaine Poker-Yount, CPD)

Spring 2022
Childhood Cancer and How if Affects Kids and Their Families (Bob Wallace & David Steumpfle, Southwest Kids Cancer Foundation)
LGBTQ Youth and Homelessness (Gina Read, One-n-Ten)
Forensic Psychology: Roles of the Psychologist within the Legal System (Scott Silberman, Ph.D. and Al Silberman, Ed.D)

Fall 2021
Surviving In The Cracks: Moderate Obsessive Compulsive Symptoms (Ron Kingsley, Ph.D.)

Fall 2019
The Sport Psychologist: Helping Athletes (or anyone) Perform at Their Peak (Ben Nelson, M.A.)
Social Contagion, Mass Hysteria and Moral Panic (Carolyn St. Peter, Ph.D.)
Chronic Pain In A Chronic Illness: A Pediatric Oncology Case (Arie Zakaryan, Ph.D.)

Spring 2019
Biological Bases For Criminal Behavior (Andrea Murphy, M.Ed.)

Fall 2018
Psychology: The Constant Driver in the Workplace (Shanel Carter, M.B.A.)
Assessing Terrorist Threats in A Multicultural World (Tim Franklin, Psy.D.)
How Culture Drives Behavior (Christine Ahles, M.A.)

Past Semesters
Consumers Beware: The Psychology Behind Statistics (Jennifer Moore, M.S.)
Harness Your Brain Power: Learn How to Learn (Liz Baroi, Ph.D.)
Why Some Relationships Succeed While Others Fail (Carl Sheperis, Ph.D.)
Dementia & Alzheimer's Disease: What Should I Know? (Maribeth Gallagher, D.N.P.)
Putting Psychology To Work For You (Deborah Licht, Ph.D., Misty Hull, M.A.)
Leadership, Communication, Conflict Management and Problem Solving (Wynn Call, Ph.D.)
Mass Media and The National Political Discourse (Tony Bryson, Ph.D.)
How to Raise A Responsible Child (Larry Waldman, Ph.D.)
Unlocking Creativity Through Hypnosis (Amy Rosner, Ph.D.)
Emotional Intelligence in The Workplace (Diana Elarde, M.A.)
Brain Training (Cecelia Ticktin, NASM-CPT)
Designed for You: Making Stuff Work Better With Ergonomics (Peter Crane, Ph.D.)
Psychology's 10 Biggest Mysteries (Bob Johnson, Ph.D.)
Forensic Psychology (Tim Franklin, M.A.)
The Body Speaks It’s Mind: Body Centered Approaches to Effective Therapy (Carol Briskin, R.P.E.)