The mission statement of the MCC Library involves providing access to materials that meet the informational and educational needs all of our users. The Technical Services Division is the office which works to make certain this happens. All of our efforts are directed toward this mission.
Our primary goal is to provide information resources in any format which will support the curriculum and basic needs of our students. To achieve this goal we work closely with subject faculty to learn ways in which we can keep current with new programs and constantly work to update our present collection.
While working with subject faculty to support curriculum needs the MCC Librarians are also responsible for seeking and obtaining resources we determine will benefit the needs of our users. Based upon questions from users, review of collection development literature and the need for the library to provide access to new technology the faculty librarians are engaged in ongoing collection development activities.
Technical Services is responsible for acquisition of all library materials. This includes subscriptions, books, non-print materials and databases. The Mesa Community College Library/Information Commons Collection Development Policy provides the guidelines for our overall acquisitions activities. In addition to our policy statements, the MCC Library also follows the statements of the Library Bill of Rights which was developed by the ALA Council of the American Library Association.