Honors in Action


The Honors in Action project encourages students to work together on a research project and develop a program to benefit the community beyond our campus grounds.

The Honors in Action Project enables students to address a substantial need in the community by developing a service project based on detailed research.

Committee Meetings

The Honors in Action Committee meets during the summer from 3:30-5:00pm in LA 4N. Those that are interested in helping with this project for the community are welcome to attend.

Planning Process

The Honors Study Topic is an biennial, interdisciplinary, and timely topic of interest related to global challenges. "Frontiers and the Spirit of Exploration" is the Honors Study Topic for January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2016.

Themes under "Transformations: Acknowledging, Assessing, and Achieving Change"

Currently, the Omicron Beta Chapter's Honors in Action team has divided up the 9 themes designated by Phi Theta Kappa to choose the ultimate one theme that they would like to research and study for the year. This year's team is currently researching all the themes in order to determine what theme they have a passion for.

  • THEME 1: Networks of Life
  • THEME 2: Economies of Everything
  • THEME 3: Politics of Identity
  • THEME 4: Dynamics of Discovery
  • THEME 5: Channels of Creativity
  • THEME 6: Visions of Justice
  • THEME 7: Powers of Connection
  • THEME 8: Worlds of Work
  • THEME 9: Systems of Belief

Check out our projects from the previous years under the study topic "The Culture of Competition": Embrace MyPlate (2012-2013) and Project R.I.S.E. (2013-2014).