About the LEC

The LEC Mission

To provide academic support services to help students succeed and excel in their coursework while reaching their own personal goals and becoming more confident learners.

Contact Us

If you have questions about our services, please stop by the Learning Enhancement Center, on the first floor of the Library. You can also call us at 480-461-7678.

The telephone number for the Learning Enhancement Center at Red Mountain is 480-654-7735.

Name Title Contact
Xochitl Arroyo Instructional Services Director



Benjamin J. Catlin Instructional Services Supervisor


Ivette Cerda Instructional Services Supervisor 480-461-7263

Nicole Bradley

Instructional Services Supervisor 480-461-7180
Chris McNeal Instructional Services Specialist 480-461-7458
Salma Hinostroza Embedded Tutor Program Coordinator



Our staff also includes the many outstanding peer tutors, professional tutors and office workers who help us serve the students of Mesa Community College.

The staff of the Learning Enhancement Center are happy to meet with you to answer your questions about our services.


Please contact the Coordinator of Disabilities Resources and Services by phone at 480-461-7447 if you have a documented disability that may require accommodations in order to participate fully in the services provided by the Learning Enhancement Center. Accommodations may take 2-3 weeks so please plan accordingly.