Planning Accessible Events

DRS Window Sign

Disability Resources and Services wants to help you ensure that students with disabilities have the opportunity to fully and equally access andparticipate in your events. Taking care to create an accessible event benefits not only individuals with visible or known disabilities, but also helps to ensure that all participants/attendees, including individuals with non-obvious disabilities and/or chronic health conditions, and people of all ages and body types, are able to fully engage in the program. The following information will help you minimize surprises you might otherwise encounter when hosting a guest with a disability. Event planners should be responsible for planning and providing for the accessibility needs of participants with disabilities at any event sponsored on behalf of the College. Disability Resources and Services is available to assist the Thunderbird community in planning events. You can contact DRS at 480-461-7447 or at

Why Do Events Need to be Accessible?

MCC is obligated by federal and state laws to ensure program accessibility to persons with disabilities, to provide reasonable accommodations to afford access, to remove barriers to full participation, and to modify policies, practices, or procedures as necessary to afford access for an individual. Beyond that, it is simply the right thing to do and enhances the ability for all to participate.

Use an Accommodation Statement

Let participants know upfront that accommodations can be made for a variety of needs. Including an accommodation statement in all of your communication (registration forms, flyers, e-mail, advertisements, etc.) will help you communicate this clearly and frequently. The statement should include the contact information for the event planner:

  • We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals, including individuals with disabilities, to engage fully. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please contact (name) at (phone and email).
  • Persons with disabilities who anticipate needing accommodations or who have questions about physical access may call [telephone number of the sponsor] in advance of the program [or film, event, etc.].
  • It’s our policy to make information accessible to all MCC students, faculty, staff, and the general public. If you require this material in an alternate format, please contact the Disability Resources and Services at 480-461-7447.

DRS is always available to consult regarding accommodation requests. Please reach out to us ASAP if you need assistance.

Plan and Ask Early

One size never fits all, and no two events—or attendees—are ever the same. Since there is no single way to provide accessibility, it is important to explore options and to consult with the individual making the request to determine how to provide appropriate accommodations. There is no substitute for asking participants early in the planning process to let you know what they need. At larger events or events with scheduled accommodations, designate someone to be responsible for accommodations as well as help with seating, ensuring captioning and other technology is working, maintaining clear pathways, or other needs.

Budgeting for Accommodations

You may need a sign language interpreter, captionist, assistive listening devices, or media in an alternate format (e.g., handouts in large print or Braille). DRS will cover the cost of the expenses and provide the auxiliary service needed. Superhero Tip: most event planners forget to include meals for interpreters, captionists, or other support professionals when budgeting for food. The folks don’t expect that their meals are included but “it’s always nice” when they are remembered. Don’t feel bad if you don’t see them eating, they’re still working!


Unless you’re providing transportation for everybody, you do not need to provide transportation for anybody. This includes courtesy vehicles.

Presentations and Materials

As the event planner, you will want to work with invited speakers and presenters to ensure that presentations and materials are accessible to persons with disabilities.

  • Ask the presenter(s) to provide a copy of the presentation materials well in advance to allow for the preparation of alternative format versions (large print, Braille, etc.). DRS will need 10 days turnaround time to convert the materials once we have received them from the event planner.
  • Presenters, facilitators, speakers should always face the audience when speaking and use a microphone. Limit unnecessary background music. Repeat questions posted by the audience.
  • Ensure there is a clear line of sight to the interpreter/captionist.
  • Videos to be used during the presentation should be captioned in advance. The CTL is available to educate staff on how to do this if the District owns the copyright. If materials cannot be captioned then the video should not be used. Never rely on auto-captioning as it does not meet the required accuracy rate

Superhero Tip: All videos should be captioned whether or not you receive a request. Closed captions are a fundamental element of Universal Design.

  • If using slides, be sure they are completely legible, with large print and sharp, contrasting colors; the presenter should also allow adequate time for the audience to read the visual aids.

Ensure the Space is Inclusive

Even when a facility says it complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act, you need to check to ensure that there are no last-minute surprises. Conduct an on-site visit to the event facility to determine if there are barriers to accessibility that may affect those with a wide range of impairments (e.g., visual, hearing, and mobility) in a wide range of areas, including:

  • Entrances and interior doorways: width, ramps, automatic door openers
  • Signage: location of accessible bathrooms, entrances.
  • Corridors, doorways, and aisles: width for wheelchair access
  • Elevators: easy access, adequate numbers
  • Comfortable space for service animals to rest during the event; have accessible toileting and watering facilities nearby.
  • Meeting rooms/meal areas: extra capacity and table space for wheelchairs and assistance animals

Superhero Tip: At larger events or events with scheduled accommodations, designate someone to be responsible for accommodations as well as help with seating, ensuring captioning and other technology is working, maintaining clear pathways, or other needs.