Application Process

Students who intend to conduct Human Subjects Research (HSR) must make arrangements to have a faculty advisor/sponsor who would serve as a Principal Investigator for their project. In addition:

  • Students and sponsor faculty complete online HSR training
  • Complete the College Research Review Form
  • Turn in completed application to Dr. Carolyn St. Peter in the Department of Psychological Science

Student research proposals must list their faculty advisor/instructor as the Principal Investigator (PI) with the student listed as Co-PI. Principal Investigators (PIs) should turn in their research applications to The Department of Psychological Science (BP building) as early as possible to allow the CRRC to convene and review their proposal prior to the beginning of their research.

Completed Student Applications Will Include

  • HSR Training Certification
  • Appropriate College Research Review Form including the following sections I-VII.
    • I. Abstract Describing Project and Purpose: Briefly describe (a) the project and (b) what human participants will experience during the proposed project. Describe all methods to be used. Describe the instruments to be used and include one copy with the proposal.
    • II. Methodology: Specify who the research participants will be. Indicate how they will be solicited, recruited, or contacted. Include any recruitment letters and materials with this document. State how much time will be required of each participant. Describe procedures or activities to which individuals will be subjected. Are there any other criteria that would include or exclude certain participants?
    • III. Voluntary Participation: Specify the steps that will be taken to ensure that each individual’s participation is voluntary. State what incentives, if any, will be offered for their participation.
    • IV. Informed Consent: Attach a copy of all consent forms to be signed by the participants and/or any statements to be read to or provided to the participant.
    • V. Confidentiality of Data and Privacy Protection: Describe the methods to be used to safeguard the privacy of your participants and ensure the confidentiality of data obtained. Include plans for publication, storage and ultimate destruction of data, including that of computer, print, videotape and audio materials
    • VI. Risks to Participants: Describe any potential risks to participating individuals–physical, psychological, social, legal, or other; Include all known and anticipated risks to the participants such as side effects, risks of placebo (inert) treatments, etc. In research that proposes substantial risk to human participants, list emergency backup procedures that are in place such as medical or counseling interventions.
    • VII. Benefits: (a) Describe the benefits and/or any compensation that the participating individuals can expect, and (b) describe the gains in knowledge that may result from the project.

Faculty & Staff

The role of the Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) Institutional Review Board (IRB) is to review all proposed research involving human subjects to ensure that subjects are treated ethically and that their rights and welfare are adequately protected.

The IRB is composed primarily of faculty members from disciplines in which research involving human subjects is integral to that discipline's work, administrators who have responsibility for research, institutional researchers, and members from the community. The human subjects review process is administered through the IRB Office.

All research activities involving the use of human subjects must be reviewed and approved by the IRB before data collection can begin. Investigators may not solicit subject participation or begin data collection until they have received written approval from the IRB.

For more information about the MCCCD IRB and the application process, refer to this link.