Resources for Students

Contact the Program Advisor

Dr. Brian Dille

Model UN Program Advisor
Residential Faculty
Social Science Department
P: 480-461-7065
Office: SC 14 - Room: 7

2024 Issue Briefs

General Assembly |GA topic brief

Second Committee |2nd Comm topics

Third Committee | 3rd Comm topics

IAEA | IAEA Issue Brief

CSTD | CSTD Issue Brief

WHA | WHA Issue Brief

CSW | CSW Issue Briefs

C-24 | C24 Instructions.pdf

C-34 | C-34 issue Brief

Historical Crisis Committee| Crisis Comm short description.docx |Crisis Procedures.pdf| German Unification Crisis Brief & Policy Statement Guidelines.docx

ICJ | Procedures are found in the ICJ Overview.docx . Review the case information below.

ICJ Germany v Italy Brief.pdf

ICJ Equatorial Guinea v France Brief.pdf

ICJ US v Palestine Brief.pdf

ICJ Belize v Honduras Brief.pdf

World Press Guidelines - _World Press Reporter Guide.docx.pdf

Review the submissions from last year's SDC to see the kind of work you will do as a WP delegate: 2023 World Press Story Submissions.pdf

Delegate Guidebook - Refer to the Delegate Guidebook to prepare for the rules and procedures of the MCC Conference

MCCMUN_Delegate Guide_reduced

Scoring Guidelines - Below are the grading rubrics for your policy statements (written matrix) and in-conference experience (performance matrix).



Code of Conduct - Please read this document about our expectations of your behavior and your protections at conference. All participants agree to abide by this Code of Conduct by theirparticipation.

SDC Code of Conduct.docx

Collegiate Conference Info

High School students are able to attend a collegiate conference in April with the MCC team if they concurrently enroll in POS 180. If you want your team to do this, have your adviser contact Professor Dille. Below is the website to the collegiate conference.

Model United Nations of the Far West

2023 Campus map

Research Tips

Good research is essential to becoming a strong Model UN delegate. Remember to use official sources to learn your country/s policy. When doing general issue research, be careful about the quality of the information you find.

Stay tuned for other MCC training materials. In the meantime, see the video on the rules below.