Submitting Documents

Every delegate attending the MCC High School conference must submit their committee documents as part of a country packet. Each delegate should have three documents: 1 policy statement for each of the agenda topics in their committee, and 1 sample resolution on one of the agenda items. Delegates will generate resolutions in committee as a result of committee debate, so the sample resolution is merely evidence the delegate knows how to properly structure one and it will not be scored. Country Packets must be completed and submitted by January 29th, 2024

In addition, each delegate needs to complete the Photo Release form complete with parental signature. We will be taking pictures and video of the conference for training and promotional purposes. Submitting this form is not mandatory for participation, but we need to identify individual students who have not provided a release form. Those who do not have a completed form will receive a different type of credential. Please download and print this form: Photo release 24.docx.pdf. Once it is signed, please scan or take a picture and submit it with your other documents.

Before submitting, please ensure the documents are formatted properly. Each document is a single page. We will not print the second page of any document, so the work will be lost. Documents MUST be in MS Word or PDF format. DO NOT submit a link to a shared Google Doc or an iPages file. Please title the files using the following protocol: Country_Committee_Topic. Delegates should use the topic summary below for the topic.

Topic Summaries for File Names
Committee Policy A Policy B
General Assembly People
Second Committee InfoTech Energy
Third Committee Privacy Coercive
World Health Assembly Vaccine AMR
IAEA Microplastic Nukes
CSTD Health Food
CSW Indigenous Stateless
C-24 Pitcairn Proposal
ICJ MyCase
C-34 Strategy Discipline
Security Council Policy
Historical Crisis Committee CrisisBrief
World Press Story_A Team_Essay - or Video_Link

For example, a student representing Latvia in the Third Committee could title her policy statement for the agenda topic "Ensuring the right to privacy in the digital age" as Latvia_3rd_Privacy.pdf. There are occasional problems with the policy statement judging records, and it is difficult to verify receipt of a document when there 35 files submitted titled policy1.doc! Resolutions can just be titled Country_Committee_Resolution, since it does not matter which agenda topic the resolution is for (ie: Latvia_3rd_Resolution).

The country team leader or school advisor should verify the documents before students submit them to ensure proper format and that the submission is complete. Use the link below to submit the documents. Note that with Security Council, each delegate should submit one policy statement separately. With ICJ, each delegate should submit their case. This will duplicate entries, but we need each person to submit so they are registered.

Committee Submission Link
General Assembly Click here to submit GA documents
Second Committee Click here to submit 2nd documents
Third Committee Click here to submit 3rd documents
WHA Click here to submit WHA documents
IAEA Click here to submit IAEA documents
CSTD Click here to submit CSTD documents
CSW Click here to submit CSW documents
C-24 Click here to submit C-24 documents
C-34 Click here to submit C-34 documents
Security Council Click here to submit SC documents
ICJ Click here to submit ICJ documents
Historical Crisis Committee Click here to submit Crisis Comm documents
World Press Click here to submit World Press documents

If it is not possible to submit a digital copy of the photo release form, advisers can submit the signed photo release forms prior to the conference to MCC Model UN, Social Cultural Building, Mesa Community College, 1833 W. Southern Ave, Mesa AZ 85202.