MCC Certificate of Insurance Requirements
ACORD 25 Form
Please ensure that your certificate is provided on the latest version of the ACORD 25 form. To the right is an example of what this form looks like.
Certificate Holder
The certificate holder should be written as follows:
Maricopa Community Colleges
Mesa Community College
1833 W Southern Ave
Mesa, AZ 85202
Maricopa Community Colleges is the legal entity of which Mesa Community College belongs to. The address should be the campus' address in order to ensure we are aware when coverage is renewed or cancelled.
Additional Insured
A "Y" should be entered in the "ADDL INSD" column next to each type of coverage where the Maricopa Community Colleges are named as an additional insured.
The "DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES" box should contain the following language:
"Maricopa County Community College District, its agents, officers, officials, employees, and volunteers are hereby named as additional insured's as their interests may appear."
Waiver of Subrogation
A "Y" should be entered in the "SUBR WVD" column next to each type of coverage. Each policy requires a waiver of subrogation in favor of the Maricopa Community Colleges for losses arising from work performed by, or on behalf of the contractor.
Required Coverages
General Liability
General Aggregate | $2,000,000 |
Products -- Completed Operations Aggregate | $1,000,000 |
Personal and Advertising Injury | $1,000,000 |
Damage to Rented Premises | $50,000 |
Each Occurrence | $1,000,000 |
Commercial Auto Liability
This coverage may be waived in cases where use of a vehicle is not part of the services being provided, i.e. when the contractor does not require a vehicle, or is only using the vehicle to commute to the campus.
When required, this coverage must include a combined single limit (CSL) for bodily injury and property damage of not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence with respect to the Contractor's owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles.
Worker's Compensation
This coverage should include limits statutorily required by an Federal or state law and Employer's Liability insurance of not less than $1,000,000 for each accident, $1,000,000 disease for each employee, and $1,000,000 disease policy limit.
Certain vendors or contractors may be exempt from providing proof of Workers' Compensation insurance. If you are not required to maintain this insurance by law, please contact the Business Services office at PVCC for a Sole Proprietor Waiver or an Independent Contractor Agreement.
Professional Liability / Network Security and Privacy Liability
Some contracts may require Professional Liability coverage or Network Security and Privacy Liability coverage. When required, please refer to the contract document for details.
Questions and Concerns
Please reach out to the Business Services office at for any questions or concerns regarding these requirements.
Tenant User Liability Insurance Policy (TULIP)
What is TULIP?
TULIP (Tenant User Liability Insurance Policy) provides special event liability insurance to non-Maricopa County Community College District facility users who do not carry liability insurance. The program is offered by the Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) to assist facility users to purchase low cost general liability insurance for specific events held at MCCCD facilities.
It protects both the facility user and MCCCD against claims by third parties who may be injured as a result of participating in an event.
Events may range from low risk events such as seminars and receptions to higher risk events including sporting events and concerts. The policy has exclusions for certain high-risk activities. Facility users may need to obtain coverage from another insurer if their event does not qualify for the TULIP program.
TULIP can only be purchased when the event takes place in a MCCCD owned facility. It does not extend to other properties.
Purchasing TULIP
Facility users with no relation to MCCCD, and no financial support from MCCCD can complete the application form and pay by credit card for their coverage. Upon completion of the transaction, they will receive via email a copy of their certificate and a binder of coverage. The MCCCD Risk Management Division will also receive a copy of the certificate of insurance. It is the responsibility of the facility user to forward a copy to the college facility person. To apply for special event insurance through TULIP, please complete the online request form located at
Click on "Quick Quote" at the top of the page. You can either select Arizona and then click on Maricopa County Community College District or use code 4918.
IMPORTANT: The law of the state of Arizona strictly regulates the service, sale, distribution and consumption of alcoholic beverages. MCCCD does not permit alcoholic beverages to be served, sold or distributed on or in the premises owned by the District except for a few narrow exceptions. Do not purchase the liquor liability insurance when completing the online TULIP request form.
If you have questions regarding this program, please contact Susan Chiara, in Risk Management at 480-731-8157 or